He's gone

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Josh's POV

By the look of things, Cal and Jack made up. Cal came in the pavilion smiling and Jack looked lost but

very happy. I was glad to see they were friends again but also kind of sad. I really liked Cal and I

couldn't bear it if my best friend got the girl I liked. Don't get me wrong, I would happy for him because I

know he really likes her too but I would be devastated. Anyway, after lunch, we decided to go

swimming and I was excited. Everything was good and being in the water would just make it better. I

pulled on my bathing suit and grabbed my towel. I walked towards the lake and met up with Jack. When

we got there, about half of the grade was already there. Cal was standing on the dock, with her hands

on her hips and it looked like she was making a decision. She looked perfect in her athletic looking

bathing suit (while being unpretentious) and I couldn't help but smile at her as she stood there. She

turned when she heard us and frowned. "I can't decide if I want to go in. There are so many people

already in there." I looked at Jack and I swear, we shared the same thought. We both grabbed her and

holding tight, jumped in. I came up laughing and I could tell Jack was too. I looked at the water, waiting

for Cal to come up. I waited, and waited, and waited. The water had gone calm and there were no signs

of bubbles. I looked up in panic at Jack. He was looking frantically at the water. Oh. My. Gosh. I went

under to look but couldn't see anything. I came back up looked around. A second later, something

pulled at my leg. I yelled and Jack did too. Cal burst out of the water laughing. She was practically

wiping tears out of her eyes. "ohhh, you should see your faces." She continued to laugh but tried to

stifle it when she saw our expressions. I shook my head and pretended to be mad but I couldn't. I

looked away and hid a smile. She swam over to me, "Hey, I see that smile! And thats what you guys get

for pulling me in." Jack looked incredulous. "We thought you died!" She just laughed and swam off. I

looked at Jack. This girl was crazy... and I sooo wanted her. 

Jack's POV

Okay, I freaking thought she almost drowned and she just laughs. I literally had a panic attack and she

jokes about it. Good grief. After we swam, we headed to the pavilion to eat dinner. I sat with the group

but Josh left for some reason. I think he had to take a call. After dinner, around 9:00, we went to the

campfire but it wasn't a large crowd because people would trickle off to go other places. Eventually, it

was just Laura, Hallie, Cal, Anders and I. We sat around, roasting marshmellows and laughing. Josh

came and joined us but looked distracted. Around 11:00, I decided to head to my cabin and I hugged

everyone goodnight. Josh joined me and I finally asked him, "Hey, whats up? What was that call

about?" He looked at me as if deciding what to say. "Uh... nothing major. I'll fill you in later." I slowed

down, confused, but he kept walking. Alright cool, I thought. My sleep was interrupted by many dreams

that night, but when I woke up, all I could remember was the word "secrets". 

The week passed quickly after that and soon it was time to leave. We started packing up the bus pretty

early in the morning. The whole time, Josh stood there, just staring at his bag. "Dude, what are you

doing? Are you going to put that in the bus." He looked at me and I was startled to see that there were

tears in his eyes. "Woah, Josh, whats wrong. What happened?" He cleared his throat. "My grandmother

just died and in her will, she left her house to us. She lived in Texas." I looked at him confused. "What

are you saying?" He looked down and then back up. "I'm moving to Texas."

It took me a couple minutes to comprehend what he was saying. "But... you just got back from Florida.

You can't leave again. It was three years before you returned. You're my best friend man." He looked at

me with a sad smile on his lips. "We can't sell the house. After my grandmother died, she somehow put

it in the will that we couldn't sell it. My dad said that we needed to honor that. We don't have cousins to

give it to. My dad has already packed my stuff and he's coming to get me right now." I just stared at him

in shock. Cal came skipping in in that moment and Josh smiled. He turned towards me and whispered,

"Take care of her for me." I swallowed and nodded.. 

Cal's POV

I went over to the bus and gave them my things. I was sad to leave but happy too. I was ready to go

home and have a normal routine. I looked to my right and saw Jack and Josh having a serious

conversation. Josh walked over and grabbed my hand. "I have to talk to you, privately. Can we go over

here?" He pointed to the hidden side of the bus. I nodded and kept the confusion out of my face. He

pulled me over and kept wringing his hands. I was beginning to get concerned. "Um... Josh, what -?"

He shook his head and swallowed. Okaayy.. I have no idea whats going on. He spoke. "Cal, when I left

for Florida, I had a major crush on you" (I did a girly squeal in my head) "and when I came back, nothing

had changed. You were more beautiful, inside and out, than ever and I was falling for you." I realized

my mouth was open and I quickly shut it. "I just got a call from my dad. My grandmother died and we are

inheriting her house. We are going to move there." I still didn't understand. "It's in Texas." That I

understood. "So, you're... you're - " He nodded. "I'm leaving again." I looked down. He lifted my chin and

continued, "But before I leave, there is one thing I promised myself I would do." He leaned down and

put his lips on mine. They were softer than I had imagined and much better than Carson's. The kiss was

soft but meaningful. Lightning bolts seemed to arch throughout my body and I put my arms around his

neck. It ended when we heard gravel churning. I looked over his shoulder and saw a car pull in. Josh

looked at the car and turned back to me. "That's my dad. Goodbye Cal." He hugged me and when we

pulled apart, he kissed me once more, softly. He grabbed his bag and gave me a sad smile. He said

goodbye to everyone else but I hardly noticed. A tingling feeling was spreading throughout my entire

body. I waved as his car pulled out and forced a smile. He's leaving, again. He kissed me. But he's

gone, he's gone...

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