How convenient...

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Josh's POV

So detention was awful. It would have been fine it Carson wasn't such a little... well, I won't say that.

Let's just say it rhymes with bass troll. The entire time, he cussed us out under his breath. Apparently,

he and his little pals have to be there for the next 6 weeks. He would, very maturely, throw spitballs at

us and crack jokes, insulting us. He made one "joke" about Cal and I swear Jack, Anders and I were all

thinking the same thing: insult our friend again and we'll finish what you started. Anyway, after

detention, I said goodbye to Jack and Anders and started to drive to Barnes and Noble. 

Cal's POV

It was about 11:15 and I was already laden down with bags. All of my friends wanted to go get some

food and I wasn't that hungry so I gave them my bags and headed for B and N. I loved getting coffee

there, grabbing a good book and reading for hours in the quiet. I couldn't do that today but I did want to

look at the new books that had come out. I walked to the recents collection and became absorbed

immediantly. What a lot of people don't know about me: i'm a complete nerd. I fangirl about everything, I

absolutely adore reading like no other, and politics interest me beyond compare. When I was 7 years

old, I would do pretend debates online on the economy and the major issues, like gay marriage and

abortion. When I was 8, in 3rd grade, I had to read 25 chapter books for the school year... I read 63.

Anyway, I started picking up books and zoned into my own kind of paradise. 

Josh's POV

I walked into Barnes and Noble and gave a list of my books to an employee. While they were

looking, I started walking around. I saw an extremely cute girl leaning over the recents section and

looking very absorbed. She was wearing a simple outfit and very hip glasses and looked really familiar.

I got closer and raised my eyebrows. "Cal?" She turned and smiled. "Oh, hey Josh!" She laughed at my

expression, "Didn't recognize me in my glasses?" She pushed them up and looked almost... shy. She

looked the same but, more like a nerdy girl who didn't know she was beautiful. I smiled, "I have just

never seen you with glasses. They look really good. You are definetly one of those people who can pull

them off." And then, something I have never seen: she blushed. With her glasses, she was like a whole

new person. The employee came back and gave me my books. I smiled my thanks and turned back to

Cal. She now had about five books in her hands and we walked to the checkout line. She looked

through my books and smiled at Moby Dick. "I read this a couple years ago. It was really good." I loved

that when she saw a book she liked or had read, her dimples would appear and disappear when she

smiled. We bought our books and sat there for a minute. She sighed, "Well, I should go back. My friends

are going to be wondering why I'm not back. But I'll see you tomorrow at church. " She hugged me and

hesitantly, walked away. I called out, "Hey Cal, whenever you need something you can always call or

text me, you know that right?" She smiled and nodded. I waved and walked out of the store. What a

great day.

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