T? or D?

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Cal's POV

I screamed so loud that when Jack covered his ears, my parents came running out of the house. My

dad was holding his gun and my mom was holding a broom. They looked around frantically and saw

what was going on. I stopped screaming and started laughing. My dad just shook his head and went

inside and when my mom saw what Jack was holding, she smiled, winked and walked back in the

house. I turned to Jack who still had his hands over his ears and was laughing. I grabbed them, the VIP

TICKETS, and looked at them closely. "These are real, right?! Because if they aren't, that would be the

cruelest joke in the history of cruel jokes." I looked at him sternly. He nodded. "They're real. And we

need to leave because we see them at 12:30 and we still have to get there. It is 11:45, so we are pretty

good on time." I leaned across the seat and kissed his cheek. I was going to meet One Direction!

Jack's POV

She was really excited. The whole time we were driving, she was bouncing in her seat and twisting her

fingers. She kept asking, "Do I look okay?" and "Do you think they'll like me?" Inside I was thinking, if

only you knew. So, I just said, "Yes Cal." We finally got to the building beside the place they were

holding the concert and she practically jumped out of the door. I laughed and said, "Cal, relax. They will

love you and this is going to be awesome. RELAX." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her

features immediantly loosened. When she opened her eyes, I saw a calm, relaxed and confident Cal. I

raised my eyebrows. "Dang, I wish I could do that before a football game." She smiled and said, "I might

look calm but inside, I'm going crazy." I shook my head and we walked into the building. 

We were two of the fifty people that got VIP tickets. Don't ask me how, but it involved only getting about

4 hours of sleep that night. This concert was a little different. The people who got the tickets each had a

specific time to get there and only had a limited amount to talk to them. We walked up to the front desk

and showed the guard our passes. He led us to a room and opened the door. Before I saw them I

thought, Please do not like Cal, I have to much competition. It would definitely be unfair. Cal and I

walked in and were greeted by five good looking british dudes. Immediantly, the one called Louis

smiled and his eyes lit up. Please let him do that to everyone, I thought. He nudged the rest of the guys

and they all stood up. I glanced at Cal and she had a smile on her face and looked very calm. They

introduced themselves, which I thought was a little unnecassary and shook our hands. They asked

questions which Cal answered with no hesitation and I could tell that they liked her. Of course, Zayne  

was getting married and Liam was dating someone. The rest of them were looking at her with a

look I knew well and often saw other guys doing the same when I was with Cal. They were totally into


Cal's POV

Before I saw them I thought, Please do not faint. Stay calm. DO NOT FAINT. Jack and I walked in and I

tried not to grin like a crazy person. I am proud to say that I kept my cool and was very calm. When I

shook Louis' hand, I almost kissed him right then and there. Get it together Cal! You are not a weird

fangirl! We talked for a while and then Louis suggested something that made me want to die. He pulled

out his phone and said, "Here love, put in your number. You seem like a cool girl." He winked and then

said, "Just don't give out my digits." I smiled and took the phone from him shakily. I put in my number

and he texted me to make sure I had his. The rest of the guys did the same. They ALL followed me on

Instagram AND Twitter (I almost cried). We got a picture (Jack took it since he wasn't very excited to

meet them) and the door opened. A lady put her head in, telling us it was time to go. They made sure I

was going to the concert and I hugged them goodbye. Louis gave me a cheeky smile and I left, feeling

the happiest I had felt in a long time. 

The concert was amazing and Jack and I sung along to every song. I was so happy that even though

Jack didn't like One Direction, he still sung with me and tagged along. I have an awesome best friend

and I made sure to tell him that many times. We drove to Margaret's for a little get together after the

concert, around 12. When I got there, they were nice enough to ask me questions and I answered very

enthusiastically. We all sat down to talk and someone suggested Truth or Dare. I always liked the

game, I chose Dare every time but I was also very wary of it. We started off with Hallie asking Meg.

"Meg, truth or dare?" She thought for a minute. "Dare," she decided. Hallie's a sweetheart so she would

never give her anything too terrible. She thought about it and said, "I dare you to do the saltine

cracker challenge." Meg's eyes widened and she grinned. "I've always wanted to try this!" Hallie looked

slightly disappointed as she did the challenge but laughed when Meg spit it out distastefully. She

turned to Jack. "Truth or dare?" He grinned. "Dare." She smiled and said, "Jack, I dare you to kiss Cal."

Covington PrepDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora