Maybe someday...

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Cal's POV

We got to school, he made me laugh the whole way, making me forget all about David. We were about

to get out of the car and Jack hit my wallet, making it fall on the floor. We both went for it and he

grabbed my hand instead of the wallet. If I liked him, which I don't, this would be one of those cliché

moments. But I don't like him. Never the less, it sent tingles up my spine and I almost blushed. Almost.

He took his hand away and I picked up my wallet. He got out and opened my door, he looked...

nervous? I got out and we walked in the school. People started to stare at my glasses and I became

majorly self consious. 

Jack's POV

People were staring and I knew it wasn't at me. Cal looked different but still amazing. I knew they

weren't used to seeing her with glasses but they thought she looked good. It shouldn't be a big deal,

going from no glasses to glasses but she was a whole new person with them on. Instead of being

confident and cool, she became shy and adorable. I could tell she was becoming insecure, (she should

be used to people staring at her), so I grabbed her arm. "Cal, are you insecure?" She tried to shake her

head but ended up nodding. "People are looking at me weirdly." I rolled my eyes. "Cal, they aren't

staring because you look weird, just different. You look amazing, as usual." She blushed. Wow, I'm able

to make her blush? This was not the Cal I knew. She waved goodbye and headed to her first class. 

During assembly, the head announced that the fall dance was this weekend. I had totally forgotten

about that! I immediantly looked over at Cal. She was staring intently at the head with a glum look on

her face. What was that about? After assembly, we were walking to gym together when someone's

panting came up behind us. Someone tapped Cal's shoulder and she turned, and so did I. It was Will.

Will's a pretty nice guy but not the most attractive one, and kind of weird. "Hey, hey Cal. So um... I was

wondering... um would - would you like to go to the dance with me?" Cal swallowed. I knew that look in

her eye. She was trying to stay calm but she looked like she definitely did not want to go with Will. I

stepped towards her and put my arm around her. She looked at me confused but I ignored her

expression. "Sorry Will. This one's taken." Will looked disappointed but smiled and walked off. Cal

sighed and looked at me gratefully. "Thank you. I've turned down a couple guys but Will's so sweet. I

wouldn't have been able to say no." I smiled at her. "No prob dog. Wait, when you say a couple guys...

how many exactly?"

She blushed (2nd time that day!!). "Um... about 8. I think..." I raised my eyebrows at her. She hit my arm.

"Stop, I bet loads of people have been asked 8 times." I continued to look at her with skepticism. She

rolled her eyes. "Anyway.... so does that mean you're my date to the Fall dance? Or was that pretend?" I

thought for a second. "I guess I could stomache one night dancing with you..." She  shoved me and

pretended to glare. I knew her too well though. I grabbed her in a hug and squeezed. She tried to get

out of it but couldn't. "I can't breathe!" She said while laughing. I set her down on her feet, satisfied. She

hit my arm with  her PE shirt and and started to walk towards the locker rooms. 

Cal's POV

I got changed for gym and headed out with Hallie. When we got to our class, we were one of the first

ones there, besides Jack of course. He walked over to us and told us that the coach was sick so we

could have a free day but had to stay in the gym. I began to walk backwards to talk to him as we went to

the closet to get a ball. I wasn't watching where I was going and I tripped. I waited for the impact but

Jack grabbed my hands just in time and pulled up to where our faces were inches apart. I stared at him

but couldn't speak. His eyes were like hot chocolate and his lips were - wait WHAT? What am I

saying?? He let go of my hands and I said, "Thanks, I'm super clumsy." He bit back a smile. We were

still close. Very close. I turned away and walked in the closet. The rest of period, Jack acted like nothing

had happened at all but I was extremely confused. Why was I noticing his lips? And his eyes were like

hot chocolate? What was going on? I want hot chocolate, I thought. That's why I thought that. Yep, I'm

going with that. 

Jack's POV

Holy cow. I wanted to kiss her so badly. I seriously didn't mean to pull her so close, it was an instinct. I

had to stop myself from kissing her right then and there. She had looked right into my eyes and I

could've sworn I saw her look at my mouth. She turned away and I frowned. What was that? Did she

want to... no. She doesn't like me like that. Maybe someday...

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