A sweet ride and a true gentleman

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Cal's POV

After soccer practice, Laura, Margaret, and I decided to walk towards the football field to watch 

the rest of the practice. When we got there, several guys wolf whistled. I just rolled my eyes and 

sat down. We watched the sweaty guys pound each other (which I found was totally unfair that 

girls couldn't play football too) and wanted to stay to say good job to Jack but he was totally 

slacking. I decided that we would just text him good job, so we left. Marge took me home and I 

hopped out of her car. "Thanks chica!" I yelled. "No prob dog!" I walked inside only to find myself 

face to face with my parents. "Um, hello?" They smiled at me which meant I wasn't in trouble, 

thank goodness. "We have something to show you," my dad ventured "and it's in the garage..." A 

million things went through my head. A new dog? But we already have one. A bike? I have one of 

those too. A car? Too expensive. Hmmm.

I followed my parents to the garage and when they opened the door I gasped. It was a vintage 

yellow Vespa, a present I had wanted for a loooong time. They smiled at my reaction and I 

grabbed them both into a hug. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!" I ran over to it to 

admire it more closely. My mom explained, "we wanted to give you something to take to school 

but you know, with three brothers, it can get complicated, especially since the twins are turning 16 

in a few weeks," I nodded " so we got you something simple and easy, something you've wanted a 

long time." I wasn't really focusing on her words, I was floating on a cloud of happiness. My 

parents handed me the keys and walked off, knowing I would want to be alone when I first started 

riding it. Surprisingly, I was pretty good at it. I was so excited to show everyone! I took a picture 

and posted it on Instagram. In two minutes I had already gotten 40 likes. I mean, I had 843 

followers but that was a new record. By the time I had finished eating dinner and doing 

homework I had gotten 412 likes, wut wut! 

The next day I rode to school on my new Vespa. People took pictures of it when they thought I 

wasn't looking, it was great. That school week passed quickly and pretty soon it was Friday. 

Halfway through the day and I was feeling good. I had gym next so I started walking towards the 

locker rooms. I heard footsteps behind me and felt someone step on the back of my shoes multiple 

times. I finally looked back and laughed. It was Jack. "Nice, that's definitely how you should sneak 

up on someone." He laughed and walked into the guys locker room. I changed quickly and headed 

out. I caught up to Jack because Marge told me not to wait for her and we started to chat. "You 

excited about tonight?" I asked. "Yeah, it's going to be fun. Do you need a ride? I mean unless you 

want to ride that open Vespa all the way downtown..." I glanced at him. "Yeah, I guess I could use 

a ride. What time can you pick me up?" He looked like he was trying not to smile (hmmm) and he 

said 11:00. I also decided that after the movie, we were going to go to sonic and then the 

girls would spend the night at my house. 

At 10:20 I started getting ready. I pulled my hair into a fishtail and pulled on a big tan sweater. I 

pulled on some leggings, my tall brown boots and a chunky infinity scarf. Hey, it was cold. I did a 

winged eyeliner that looked pretty good with my multi colored eyes, and some mascara. 10:45. I 

grabbed all my stuff and threw if in my purse. Wallet, phone, gum, my pre bought candy, and 

Chapstick. 10:55. I headed down stairs and my mom looked up from her article. "You look cute." I 

smiled, "thanks mom." Headlights appeared in the driveway. "Bye!" I yelled, rushing out the door. 

"Bye sweetie, have fun!" I slowed my walk and thought, be cool, it's not a date, we are just riding 

down together. Jack stepped out of the car, looking preppy as usual, in a seersucker shirt and 

shorts. He walked around to the passengers seat and opened the door for me. "Wow, Jack has 

turned into a gentleman." I teased. He raised his eyebrows, "I'm always a gentleman." I smiled to 

myself and watched as he walked back around to his side. He looked very attractive in a casual 

blue button down and shorts. We drove to the theatre and, like any good friends, there were no 

awkward pauses or random gaps of silence. Just us, chatting away and listing to some Jason 

Aldean. When we got to the theatre, he walked around again and opened my door. "Thank you," I 

said lightly and we walked inside. When we had just finished buying our tickets, Margaret and 

Anders walked in and Laura and her boyfriend Barrett. Great, I thought, this is going to be like a 

couples night. At least I have Maria and Hallie. Some of the group trickled in and the lady 

directed us to theatre 4. "I'm so excited!" I half shouted, "I've waited for this for like a year!" Jack 

laughed and touched my shoulder. "Calm down, you haven't even eaten the candy yet." We all 

laughed but I was confused. When he touched my shoulder, sparks seemed to go through my 

entire body. But, I'm not supposed to like Jack, he's one of my best guy friends. Maria noticed the 

look on my face and she gave me a look of almost pity, like she knew what I was going through. 

Definitely confusion. Josh walked in in that moment and greeted us and Carson was right behind 

him. They both looked cute but Josh looked like a freakin Greek god. He was wearing a plain blue 

tee, the same color as Jack's button down, but I couldn't figure out who it looked better on. 

Carson, not looking quite as good as Josh, was wearing a green polo and smiled at me as he 

walked on. Weirdly enough, Carson ended up sitting on my right, Jack on my left and Josh beside 

him. We whispered through the previews but when the movie came on, everyone went silent. 

During the movie, which was awesome by the way, Carson and Jack kept shooting each other 

weird looks and Carson accidentally touched my hand, twice, when getting popcorn. I didn't get 

the same feeling I got when Jack touched my shoulder though. After the movie was over, we all 

went to sonic and hung out. Thats when it got interesting. 

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