Carson's included...

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Jack's POV

Gym was interesting. I think that these 4 girls in the class were trying to impress us but it 

definitely wasn't working. They were horrible at everything. Someone who wasn't horrible was 

Cal, of course. When we did push-ups, she stayed with the guys and I the entire time. I could tell 

even coach Hager was impressed. Alright, this girl was officially way out of EVERYONE'S league. 

After gym class, I was walking to class when I saw Cal and Margaret up ahead. Something slipped 

out of Cal's hands and she didn't notice. I picked it up as I walked by. "Cal, hey Cal! You dropped 

this." I half shouted. She turned around and walked towards me. "Thanks bud." I grinned and 

said, "no prob pal." She laughed and turned away and I caught a whiff of her hair. It smelled like 

vanilla and cinnamon and a mix of fall and winter. Snap out of it, creepo! She walked back down the

hall and I watched as she got smaller and smaller. A little argument was going on in my head, I was 

debating whether or not I should ask her out. It went a little something like this:

Jut ask her out you ninny!

She's turned down at least 20 guys!

That doesn't mean she'll turn down you! 

I don't have a better chance than them!

I finally got up the courage and was about to walk to her locker when someone stepped into my 

view. It was Carson. A summary of him? My least favorite person. He was one of the "popular" 

guys in our grade and always tried to beat me in everything. We were usually pretty evenly 

matched. Anyway, he looked at me and smirked. His cocky face made me want to puke. "What's 

up loser? I hear you've been hanging out with Cal, that won't last long." He laughed. I gritted my 

teeth. "We're friends, but you wouldn't know what that word means, would you?" He just smiled 

and said, "nah, I got something a little more than friends in mind, if you know what I mean," he 

winked and walked off. "I want to punch him so badly," I heard someone say. I turned to see that 

Josh had joined me. "What's up dude?" He sighed, "nothing much, just headed to class. He's 

going to ask her out isn't he?" I agreed and said, "And then break her heart." I watched as Carson 

walked over to Cal's locker and slip a note in. He walked away whistling. I could already guess 

what it would say on the note: hey babe, you're hot. Wanna make out? Okay, so that was a little bit 

of an exaggeration but you know what I mean. Josh glared at Carson's retreating back and then 

said goodbye. I headed to class and took out my phone. I was about to text Cal before she read 

Carson's note when I received a text from her instead. 

Hey, I went to get a binder from my locker and Carson had put a note in it. 

What did it say? I texted back. 

It said, hey Cal, I know it's hard being new and I was wondering if you wanted another friend, in case you needed help or something. (I almost gagged) Do you want to grab a bite sometime? And then it had his number on it. Is he a good guy? I don't really know him.

I didn't want to say he was an awful person because she might think I was jealous or something. I just said, 

He's okay, I don't think you guys should go on a date or anything, I don't really know what he would do. 

I got to my class and hid my phone. When I was at my desk I got it out but kept it out of eyesight. 

I got her text a minute later.

Hey! Maybe we could go on a big group date thing to the movies Friday night! The third Avengers is coming out and we could all go see it. Plus, I would get to see if Carson is a good person or not.
It could be me, you, Anders, (side note: Anders = Margaret's boyfriend; he used to have a crush on Cal too and they almost dated but he started to like Marge.) Josh, Hallie, Margaret, Maria, Laura and Will. It could be so fun! 

I bit my lip. Josh, Carson and I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the movie, not if we were competing for her. I finally texted back

Sure, that sounds fun, do you want to send out a group message?

Yeah, I will. Hold on. 

A minute later I got a text saying, basically, the same thing shed already told me. Everyone 

chimed in like, yeah that'd be fun or heck yes! We all said yes to the midnight premiere and I 

turned off my phone cause it was time for class.

An hour later I left the classroom exhausted and tired. I headed to my locker and put away the 

things I didn't need. Laura came to her locker which was right next to mine. "Hey Laura, what's 

up?" She looked at me and smiled. "Nothin much, just headed to soccer practice, you?" I blew out 

my cheeks, "football" she waved and said, "have fun." I watched as she headed to Cal's locker and 

the two of them laughed at something she said. They walked away and left me staring at nothing. I 

shook my head and headed to football practice. 

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