Kaleidoscope eyes

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Josh's POV

This morning was great. My friends told me something that made me the happiest guy on the 

planet; Cal was coming to Covington Prep. I hadn't seen her for like, three years. When I left, she 

was very cute. Yes cute. She was in 8th grade okay? I didn't have a better word. Okay, actually that's 

not true. She was beautiful. Her chocolate hair was always a little wavy and her eyes were like 

kaleidoscopes; when you looked at them they were always different colors. Well, when I came 

back, I almost fell on my face. I was walking in the hallways when I saw Cal collecting her 

schedule from the secretary. She didn't see me, which is good because I stared for like, a minute. 

Her hair was in a braid, pulled away from her face and she looked good before, but now, she was 

straight up gorgeous. She was more mature looking. I could tell she was strong and she was very tan. 

When I had left, I had a bad crush on her. My friends didn't make fun of me for 

having a crush on a girl a year younger than me because they understood. Everyone liked her. I 

wanted to ask her out before I left but I never got the nerve. Then Jack happened. When I left, my 

friend Jack sort of slid into the picture. We both had a crush on her before but he had the upper 

hand. He was in her grade and oh, thats right, he wasn't thousands of miles away. When I came 

back I found out that, even though I had been away for three years, he still hadn't asked her out 


Now, she had gotten PLENTY of other date offers, as Jack told me, but she only went on group 

dates. I thought I might have a slim chance but knowing she turned down at least 20 guys made 

me nervous, and Jack hadn't asked her yet... I had a feeling she wouldn't say no. Later, I was 

walking to calculus and Cal walked out of the AP English classroom and bumped into me. "Oh my 

gosh, I'm so sorr-" I wondered why she stopped suddenly as I stared into her beautiful 

multicolored eyes. She stared back and I smiled. I reached down and grabbed my binder that had 

fallen. We talked for a minute and I walked her to her class. I noticed a ton of guys glaring at me 

and I tried not to smile. My friends and I sat with her at lunch, including Jack. Great, I thought. 

Seriously, are you going to let a girl ruin your friendship with Jack? No, I thought firmly. I 

laughed with her and we talked about Florida. Her friends talked with my friends and I looked 

over at Jack. He glanced at me and I knew that inwardly, we were having a competition. 

Later on, after lunch, I headed to coach Hager's office and knocked. "I got an email saying you 

wanted to see me?" I started. He looked up and nodded, "yes, I had to speak y you about gym 

class. Not enough students signed up this year for it so we've decided to let y'all be in a juniors 

mandatory gym class. Is that alright?" I nodded and asked "would you mind telling me whose in 

the class?" I left the room smiling.

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