Sweet, sweet revenge

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Josh's POV 

Alright, I'm pretty sure the C-slug just kissed Cal and that ticks me off. I've waited three years for 

this girl and he thinks he can kiss her and then break her heart? She looked amazing as usual 

tonight, by the way. I couldn't believe that I would have to go back to school on Monday and listen 

to Carson brag about how he kissed the most attractive girl in school. That's such a middle school 

kiss and tell thing. 

Well, Monday came fast and soon I was walking down the hallway to my locker. Hallie came up to 

me and was grinning like a maniac. "Did you hear about Carson and Cal?" She asked. "Are they 

together now?" I asked sourly. She laughed and said "not even close, look." She pulled out her 

phone and showed me the video feed from a security camera that looked like... Sonic. Carson 

stood there and a girl walked up to him. Cal. He began to kiss her with (discusting) passion and for a

second, she just stood there. I felt sick. I almost looked away when she did something that surprised the 

heck out of me. She kicked him where it hurts and then punched him so hard he fell to the 

ground. She said something that I couldn't hear but I got a feeling that if I were him, I would be 

crawling away. He limped away to his car and drove away. I couldn't stop the grin from flooding 

my face. I turned away and practically skipped to Cal's locker. She looked up and smiled but it 

slipped away when she saw me grinning like the devil. "You saw the video didn't you?" I nodded. 

"I know I shouldn't have hit him but he told me he just wanted to talk and then he kissed me. I've 

heard some awful things about him and I gave him a shot but he blew it. So... Yeah" I just kept 

grinning and said, "I am so jealous you got to punch him, I've wanted to do that for years." She 

laughed, which gave me butterflies, and shook her head. She waved goodbye and I watched as she 

walked away. I saw Carson not a minute later and he looked like he had a broken nose. I was 

happy for the rest of the day.

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