A door in the face

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Jack's POV

I watched as Carson got to dance with Cal. She looked as beautiful as ever; her dress was perfect and

her hair was curled. I clenched my jaw when Carson dipped her. He didn't make a move but I was sure

he was going to. He held her close, his hand on her waist. He whispered something in her ear but I

couldn't see their faces. My partner went to get a drink and I just watched as Cal did something that

made me want to throw up. She leaned toward Carson, I thought it was to tell him something, but her

lips landed on his. He responded with enthusiasm and pulled her, if it was possible, even closer. I

wanted to look away but couldn't. Finally, I couldn't take it. I turned and walked away. She kissed him.

She kissed him. He didn't kiss her. She kissed him. So many different emotions: anger, sadness,

confusion. I ran into someone, muttered, "sorry," and kept walking. A minute later, someone

grabbed my arm. It was Josh. "Woah, slow down dude, what's wrong? Why are you leaving?" I guess I

looked pretty mad because his face was full of concern. I blew out a breath and said, "She kissed

Carson. For real. He didn't kiss her, she kissed him." Josh's face was plain shock. He shook his head.

"No, I can't believe that. Why would a girl like her, kiss a douche like him? There must be a reason." He

swore angrily and bit his lip. "Whatever dude." I said, "I'm going back to my cabin." I left him standing

there, glaring at the ground. 

When I got into my cabin, I had nothing to do, so I turned on my phone. I got an alert saying that Carson

mentioned my name in a photo. I clicked on the reference and a video came up. It had already gotten

about 80 likes. I clicked on it and almost chucked my phone. It was a video of Cal kissing him. I turned it

off and threw it on my bed. I heard an urgent knock on my door. I didn't move. A frustrated voice yelled

at me through the door, "Jack! Come on, I know you're in there, we need to talk!" I didn't answer. "Fine, I

will break down this door if I have to. One, two - " I swung open the door and Cal was standing there.

My face was emotionless. She looked mad but there was sadness in her eyes. "What?" My voice was

cold. She opened her mouth and shut it. "Can we please act a little civilized? Why did you walk away?

Carson - " I rolled my eyes and snorted. " - Carson, " she continued, " told me something that may have

been the reason you are mad..." I gulped. "And I want to know if its true." I shook my head, "I don't

want to talk about this. You can kiss whoever you want. I'm not in control of you. The end. Goodbye." I

shut the door in her face and sat there for a minute. I heard her sniff quietly and then clear her throat. I

looked out the window and saw her wipe her eye angrily, set her jaw and narrow her eyes, like she

refused to cry. She picked up her shoes and walked off. I got in my bed and looked down at my hands.

They were shaking. I layed down and fell asleep immediantly. 

Cal's POV

He's falling for you. He's falling for you. It kept repeating in my head as I walked back to my cabin.

Jack's face was like stone, and he had refused to meet my eyes. I wanted to ask him if what Carson

said was true but he slammed the door in my face. I absolutely refused to let one tear fall, so I did what

I do if I get angry. I ground my teeth and narrowed my eyes. I glared at nothing and walked off. I climbed

into my bed and sat there, just staring in the dark. When my friends came in, I pretended to be asleep

so that they wouldn't ask questions. In the morning, I woke up at 6 and grabbed my shoes. I knew no

one else was awake, so I just wore my sports bra and shorts. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and

crammed my ear buds into my ear. I snuck out of my cabin and started running. 

Josh's POV 

I woke up pretty early to go for a run. I got out of my cabin quietly and someone ran into me. I heard an

ouch and looked down at the ground. Cal was sitting there like she had fallen. I tried not to laugh as I

gave her my hand. "Geez, you're like a freaking brick wall." she muttered. I smiled and then

remembered about last night. She noticed my smile disappear. "What? ...Oh wait, let me guess, you're

mad at me too? Great." She dusted off her shorts (by the way, I tried not to stare at her in her running

clothes) and she started to walk off. "Wait! Cal, wait." She turned to look at me and her eyes were angry

but they were also full of hurt. I walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders. I looked her in her eyes

and said, "Okay, you explain. What happened last night?" She didn't meet my eyes and took a deep

breath. "Carson said he would never bug you guys again and that he would stop hitting on me if I

kissed him. He said he could get you guys suspended or expelled with one call. Of course, I didn't want

to kiss him but I also didn't want yall to be expelled, so... I.. you know." She scrunched her nose. "And

may I just say that he is a very passionate person." I laughed and she looked relieved. I felt amazing.

She didn't kiss him because she wanted to, she did it to help us. "He's never going to bug anyone

again?" Her eyes turned stormy, "He better not. He promised and that kiss was more than he

deserved." I smiled and she asked if I wanted to run with her. I happily obliged. 

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