Card games and fake dates

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Cal's POV

I woke up with my head on Jack's chest. I looked up slowly to see if he was awake. He was deep

asleep and had a slight smile on his face. He must have been dreaming about food. I bit back a smile

and put my head back down. He was really comfortable. As his chest went up and down as he

breathed, I could feel his muscles tighten and let me just say, he was very strong. I closed my eyes and

went back to sleep. 

A loud horn woke me up. I raised my head to see that we were stuck in traffic. I looked at Jack to see

him already groggily staring down at me. I pushed myself up and said, "Sorry I used you as a pillow. If it

helps, you were very comfortable." He laughed sleepily and said, "Anytime." The bus lurched forward

and I hit my head on the seat in front of me. "Ouch," I squinted my eyes and rubbed my head with my

hand. Jack laughed and said, "aww do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?" I glared at him.

"Fine," he said and he grabbed my head (gently) and kissed the fast-appearing red mark. "All better?" I

just nodded. Inside I was thinking, shoot that sent shivers down my spine. I can't like him, stop it Cal! 

The bus turned into Wendy's for an early dinner and we all got off. Inside, I ordered a bacon

cheesburger and a root beer. Jack shook his head. "You really are a full blooded american." I stuck my

tongue out at him and sat down in a booth. Checking Instagram on my phone, I came across an

interesting photo of Margaret's. It was of me and Jack sleeping on the bus. The picture was really cute

and yet it was slightly creepy that Marge got a picture of it. I took a screen shot and told myself to ask

her about it later. I didn't look at the comments because I was scared about what they would say. I did

see how many likes it got and was surprised. It had gotten 85 in just 25 min. Geez Margaret, popular

much? I started on my meal as the rest of my friends sat down. 

Jack's POV

I love a girl that can eat a lot of food and not worry about her weight. Girls that only eat salads?

Someone else might like them but not me. So of course, I loved Cal for getting a bacon cheeseburger

and a root beer. Some other girls had gotten like a cup of fruit, some yogurt and water. Wow, what a

filling meal. I had just gotten a double cheeseburger and sat down with Anders and a couple other of

my guy friends when I got an instagram notification. I looked at the picture I was tagged in and grinned.

It was of Cal and me. We were sleeping on the bus. Cal's head was resting on my chest and her body

was curled up on her chair. Her hair tumbled across her shoulders and it was out of her face. I had a

small smile on my face and I remembered it was because of my dream. Oh, it was a good dream and I

think you know who it was about. I am so in love with this girl and she has no freaking clue, I thought.

Cal's POV

After we had our super healthy meal at Wendy's, we all got back on the bus. One of the chaparones

guessed that, since we were stuck in traffic, it would take about 2 1/2 more hours. I think we were all

pretty happy, even if we didn't say it. That meant more time to talk and sleep. They put in a movie and

we all sat back. When the words, The Lucky One, appeared on the screen about a dozen girls

screamed and I groaned. Jack looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Come on Cal, you don't like The

Lucky One? It's like totes my fave!" I laughed at his teasing and shook my head. He grabbed a deck of

cards out of his bag and started to shuffle. We started to play Speed and I could feel my competitive

side starting to come out. Jack's a nice guy but he's not one of those guys to let someone win just

because they are a girl. I liked that, it gave me more of a competitive edge. I was concentrating on the

game when I heard a laugh. I looked up to see Jack staring at me. "What?" I asked defensively. He

shook his head. "Nothing. You just look really cute and scary when you are trying really hard. Your

eyes narrow and you kind of have a gleam in your eye." I laughed and said, "Thats interesting that you

noticed that because while you were saying that..." I looked down at my cards, "I won." He looked down

at my cards and back at me. He narrowed his eyes but a grin was slowly coming to his face. He put

down his cards and said, "Well played... but unfortunately, before I said that to you, I had already won." I

looked at his cards and opened my mouth. "Well played Mr. Martin, well played." He grinned and I

tossed my cards at him. 

Jack's POV

The movie was ending and I glanced at Cal. She had a confused and slightly annoyed look on her

face. I laughed since I knew it was because of the movie. At that moment, Hallie ran up to us. She

looked frantic. "Cal, guess who just asked me out?" She didn't let Cal answer, "Hunter, thats who. And

of course I couldn't say no, so I told him we could go on a double date with another couple." She bit her

lip. Cal looked like she knew what Hallie was going to say but didn't want her to say it. "and... I told her

that you and Jack would be the other couple." Cal hit her head against the seat and groaned. I was

slightly insulted. Was I really that bad? I frowned at her, "Am I that bad of a pretend date?" She laughed,

"No, of course not. I'm sure you'll make a great pretend date but I kinda wanted my first-almost-date to

be, oh I don't know, real?" I nodded. Hallie told us it was going to be on Friday and to meet them at

Crusty's at 8. I pretended to listen to her go on about her struggles with the date but I zoned out. I was

going on a date with Cal. Granted it wasn't real, but hey, you take what you can get. Hallie went back to

her seat a couple minutes later when a chaperone yelled at her and Cal turned towards me. "Well... you

ready to go on a fake date?"

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