Bus rides

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Cal's POV

I headed back to my friends, thinking about seeing Josh. He looked extremely cute today in a worn

baseball tee and shorts. When I hugged him, he smelled so good, like he wore cologne but didn't

drench himself with it. Just by hugging him, I could tell he was ripped. I get to see if he's actually strong

on the retreat, I told myself. Oh gosh, I'm turning into a idiot girly girl. 

The retreat was a trip at the beginning of the year that the juniors and seniors took together. We go to a

campsite a couple hours away on two big buses and stay at the site for a weekend, the week and then

return on the next Sunday. The camp was beautiful. It had a sparkling lake, lots of cabins, an pavilion to

eat food in and a huge campfire and seating area. I couldn't wait. 

I got to the Cafeteria and saw my friends sitting at a big table, still eating food from Chick-fil-a. I ordered

a sandwich and sat down with them. "What took you so long?" Marge asked. I smiled, "I saw Josh

getting books for school and we talked for a minute." My friends grinned. I just rolled my eyes and

started to eat. I could tell my friends were looking at each other and smiling but I refused to look up.

After lunch, we decided to head to Macy's, Forever 21, and Urban Outfitters. We had already gone to J.

Crew, Target, and GAP, so we decided that that would be plenty. I looked down at the list I had made

for the retreat and for everyday clothes: 

- Bathing suits

- Nice shorts and jeans  

- V neck 

- Skirt(s)

- Dress(es)

- Nike shorts 

- socks

- Sports bra 

I had gotten a couple pairs of nice shorts and cute jeans from J. Crew and a v-neck from GAP and

everything else from Target. In Forever 21, I got a couple cute dresses and some cute skirts. From

Urban Outfitters, I got 3 really cute (and expensive) bathing suits. We were leaving for the retreat tonight

at 5. We left the mall at 3:45 and got icecream at Johnny's Cones. They dropped my off at home at 4:10

and I started to pack. 

Jack's POV

I started packing at 4:00 and played my music very loudly. I was pumped. I love the campsite we are

going to, I've been there before and it's great. I got finished around 4:45 and sat down on my bed. We

were taking two buses to the site and unfortunatly, they weren't split by grade level. They were split by

advisory and that meant that Cal, me, Laura, Maria, Josh, and Carson were all on one bus... of course

this would happen to me. I grabbed my things and headed downstairs. I hugged my parents and

walked out the door and got into my car. It's just a bus ride, you can deal with it. Then you have the

whole week to ignore Carson. I smiled. Lets do this. 

When I got to Covington, there were groups of people everywhere. Luckily, the junior and seniors

grades are pretty small, so there was probably only about 160 people there total. We got the list of what

bus to get on and they finished putting everyone's stuff on the bottom of the bus. We all filed in and I sat

next to Josh. Cal sat next to Maria and Laura sat next to another friend of their's named Meg. Carson

sat a couple rows back and luckily, didn't notice us yet. Josh and I started talking and laughing and the

bus lurched forward and we all cheered. The 3 1/2 hours on the bus started now. I looked over an hour

later at Cal and she was sound asleep. Her face was peaceful and she looked cute sleeping. She must

have been having a good dream because her mouth curved into a small smile. Josh grinned at me and

we went back to playing cards. 

Halfway in, we stopped at an outlet mall to eat dinner. There was a Zaxby's, Chick-fil-a, Taco Bell, and

Subways all sort of in the same area. Laura shook Cal and she opened her eyes sleepily. She still

looked perfect (of course) and she rubbed her eyes. I found myself staring and looked away quickly. I

was about to step off when someone grabbed my arm. A hoarse voice whispered in my ear. "I may

have gotten punched but at least I got to kiss her. Have you gotten to kiss her yet? Yeah, I didn't think

so. Oh and just to let you know, it was the best (insert cuss word here) kiss ever." Carson let go and

walked away smirking. He knew he hit a nerve. Sure he got a black eye but he

was probably her first kiss. What a waste, I thought. I clenched my jaw and someone else touched me.

But this touch was gentle and hesitant. I looked up and Cal had a concerned look on her face. "What's

wrong? What did Carson say to you?"  I sighed, "Nothing to be worried about. But I do have a question

for you... when Carson kissed you that night at Sonic, was... was that your first kiss?" She pursed her

lips and nodded. "I wanted my first kiss to be really special, you know? And then he comes along and

ruins it." I nodded, disappointed. We met up with the rest of the group and headed to Zaxby's. 

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