Different is good

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Jack's POV

We met at the little café we had eaten at before. I had sat down when she walked in. She looked great,

as usual, in worn jeans, combat boots and a big Princeton sweatshirt. She smiled at me when she saw

me but she looked worried... and slighty excited. I stood up and we hugged. It was a little awkward,

which was new for us, but soon we started to make small talk. Finally, I sighed. "Cal, I'm sorry I kissed

you. I wasn't thinking. And before you say that it was awful or you're mad at me, I want to say something.

I am sorry but I'm really not. I had wanted to do that for so long, you have no idea. Seeing you like Josh

was one of the hardest things I have ever had to witness. I knew he liked you and you liked him. I was

always your best friend but I wanted to be more. When we played truth or dare, I couldn't kiss you for a

game. I wanted to kiss you for real, in my own time. So I'm sorry that I'm not sorry." She stared at me in

shock, and opened her mouth. I waited for the angry words to come out. 

Cal's POV

Did, did he really say that? He meant it, the kiss. He's liked me for a while? Am I hearing this right? Do

we really have a chance? I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I tried again and I saw him flinch

ever so slightly. Did he expect me to yell at him? "Jack, I... I really don't know what to say... When you

kissed me," I shook my head. He stood up, not letting me finish. He nodded and said, "I understand." He

started to walk away and I grabbed his arm (which was very muscular, by the way). He turned and I

stood up. "You didn't let me finish. When

you kissed me... I liked it." His eyes widened. "Jack, I have always thought of you as an

amazing friend and maybe I shoved down all of my feelings. I think... I think I've always liked you, I just

didn't acknowledge it. And when you kissed me? Those feelings surfaced." I swallowed, expecting a

reply. He just grabbed me in a bear hug and I tried to laugh but he squeezed the air out of me. "Cant...

breathe..." He let go and smiled at me. Softly, he pushed a strand away from my face and put it behind

my ear. "So... What do you say? Wanna give us a shot?" I nodded. "But if this doesn't work out, can we

be friends the way we were?" He bit his lip and nodded. I guess I never realized how much I like him. I

knew I loved him but I always thought I loved him as a friend. Now... it may be more than that. He met

my eyes. "I want to take you somewhere. You up for it? Next friday?" My mouth twisted into a smile. "Is

this our first official date?" He grinned. "Our first official date."

Jack's POV

I couldn't believe it. I had just asked Calypso Gather out. The girl I had liked since I first met her. My best

friend, pal, and football companion. She likes me back. She agreed to go out with me. She agreed to try

and make us work. I was on top of the world. The week passed quickly with this new spark in me,

excited for Friday. You would think that the week would pass slowly, with the prospect of having to wait

for Friday but it was the fastest week of my entire life. So... the day came and I was on my way to Cal's. I

was going to pick her up. Not for a group date at the movies, or a pretend date for our friends, but a real

date with the girl of my dreams. (I know, cheesy right?) I stopped at her house, not for the first time,

but it felt new. Tonight was going to be different. 

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