Girl pushups - yeah right

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Cal's POV

There were only 6 other people in our class besides Jack, Margaret, Josh and I. Josh's friends 

Chad and Will, and four ridiculous girls in my grade. All they did (or tried to do) was flirt with the 

guys and look good while doing the gym workout. They failed miserably. In the gym, coach Hager 

worked us, hard. We did 5 suicides, two laps around the gym, 40 push-ups, 70 sit ups, 5 min of 

abs and repeat two more times. It was our double period so we still had about 30 min left of an 

hour and 40 minutes and I felt pretty good. The entire time while we were doing push-ups, coach Hager 

kept getting mad because the four girls would keep slacking off, so he finally just had them do 

girl push-ups. That made me laugh. 

Afterwards, I got a towel and and my hair stuff and hit the showers. I put on my clothes, 

brushed my hair and pulled the long wetness of it into a braid. I walked out with Margaret and we 

headed towards study hall. I was thinking about the difference between Jack and Josh when a 

voice pulled me back to reality. "Cal, hey Cal! You dropped this." It was Jack. He was holding my 

tank top for gym. I walked over to him and he handed it to me. "Thanks bud." He grinned and 

said, "no prob pal." I laughed and walked away and felt his eyes on my back as I walked down the 

hallway to my locker.

I grabbed my things and followed Margo to the large empty space besides 

the lunch room. It was quiet since everyone had already eaten. We put our stuff down and Laura 

joined us. "What's up guys? How has your first day been?" She questioned. I thought for a second. 

My classes had been good so far, my only problem, boys. I shoved that to the side of my brain and 

answered her, half truthfully. "It's been good. The classes will be fun and I love my teachers." 

She stared at me for a second. "Any, oh I don't know, guy issues?" I could tell she was trying not to 

laugh. "What?" I asked for like, the billionth time. She finally smiled. "Margaret has told me that 

quite a few guys, if not all, have been staring and TWO guys in particular are trying to win your 

affections." She raised an eyebrow. "You guys are ridiculous." I shook my head, smiling and 

started on my homework but I wasn't really focusing on it. Do a lot of guys really like me? Are 

Jack and Josh trying to compete for me? I shook my thoughts away and told my self to focus on 

schoolwork. One problem at a time.

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