New Favorite Class: Gym

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Jacks POV

I was having a terrible start to the first day, which is pretty common if you're a normal teenager 

who hates school, until I heard the news. It spread pretty quickly and soon everyone heard that 

Calypso Gather was a new transfer to Covington. Cal and I were already friends but that didn't 

stop me from being nervous. She's gorgeous, athletic AND smart. Your typical out-of-your-league 

kind of girl. I looked down and thanked my mom silently for making me look like a frat boy today. 

I was wearing a blue  Southern Tide button down and some Ralph Lauren shorts my mom practically

threw at me. At lunch, I finally saw her and sat next to her and her friends. The only problem? I've got

some serious competition. 

Besides half the school that wants to date her, there is one guy I'm seriously 

nervous about. His name's Josh... And he's my best friend. Before he moved away going into 10th 

grade, he had a serious crush on her and I'm pretty sure she had a thing for him too. 

Unfortunately, I had a crush on her too. Sadly for me, he was/is perfect; your typical good looking, 

soccer playing, ripped kind of guy. Then he moved. I was torn for a while. I was sad but I had 

other friends and I knew he was coming back after a couple years but I was also kind of glad. I 

actually had a chance. Cal and I went to church camp together and became better friends. Now 

he's back and I'm pretty sure his crush hadn't gone away. 

Anyway, it was time for gym and I stated walking when I 

saw Hallie and Cal up ahead. I jogged to catch up and almost couldn't speak. She managed to 

make a gym uniform look good. She wasn't trying to look slutty in the tank top and her shorts weren't 

super short. Wow. Her arms were perfectly sculpted and tan and her leg muscles well defined. 

This girl is in better shape than half the boys in our grade, I thought. Her perfect brown hair was in 

French braid (I think). Anyway, she looked absolutely amazing. I sighed inwardly. This girl is SO 

out of my league. When they saw me they smiled. Wow, even her smile is amazing. Snap out of it! 

I thought. Margaret caught up to us and said, "Looks like we're all in the same class, awesome!" I 

pretended to groan. "I have to be stuck with you people? Kill me now." Margaret punched me and 

I smiled. We entered the gym and I actually groaned on the inside. Josh and his friends were 

shooting basketballs on the other side of the court. 

"Hey guys!" Cal smiled at them. "Are y'all in our gym class?" Josh stopped shooting and 

walked over. He grinned and said something that made me want to punch myself. "We didn't 

have enough people sign up for gym as an elective this year, so they said we could join y'all's 

class." Great, another way for him to look better than me. Dang flabbit, he look extremely ripped in the

uniform. What isn't this guy good at? Don't let something stupid like competition ruin your friendship, I 

told myself. Coach Hager walked in and I thought, well this should be fun. 

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