• 8: Or Whatever •

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"Toilet Girl! Toilet Girl!" A small group of football players began chanting. I glanced around and saw a few people chuckling. "Toilet Girl! Toilet Girl!" As their chants grew louder, the laughter of the people around them did too. More people gathered and joined in as well.

And suddenly my mind wasn't there at school anymore.


"Chubby arms and big fat thighs, Didi please lay off the fries." The kids all circled around me. "Chubby arms and big fat thighs, Didi should lay off the fries!" They chanted. Tears rolled down my cheeks and they laughed and pointed.

"Leave me alone!" I whimpered. My voice quivered, and it made everyone laugh harder. They sung their song louder and I tried to run away. My thick legs brushed together, and I hated the feeling. My vision was blurred by tears, but I needed to get away from these people. They weren't my friends. They were mean to me every day on the playground and I hated it.

I wasn't that much bigger than everyone else... was I? I was definitely taller than all the other girls, and a lot of the boys. Okay, and maybe everyone lost their baby fat by the age of nine, and I was still behind... but things were complicated... really complicated.


I pulled myself out of my thoughts and looked around me. The guys had stopped chanting, but everyone was still talking about me and laughing. However, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me upset. I wasn't eleven anymore. I exchanged my books and closed my locker. When I did, I saw Alani standing there with a small smile on her face. Her purple hair was pulled into two little space buns on either side of her head.

"Who knew you helping me would make you a target?" Alani asked.

"It's not Rose's fault that she's stuck in the sixth grade," I said flatly. Alani laughed.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class."

I smiled. Maybe I did have a friend. As we walked, we almost made it to my English classroom when we heard Rose's voice.

"Oh, how cute. Alcott High's favourite Goth, and the brand-new Toilet Girl!" Rose cheered excitedly. Summer and Serena cackled loudly beside her.

"Is that really the best you can come up with?" Alani asked.

"Yeah, name calling is so elementary school..." I said.

"And so are your shoes," Alani added looking at Roses flats. Rose's face turned about three different shades of red and the crowd around us 'ooh'ed. The twins stopped laughing and the shock on their faces was clear as day. I bit back a smile.

"Doesn't feel so nice, does it?" I asked Rose. Her eyes narrowed.

"Watch your back, you outcasts!" Rose hissed before stomping away. The crowd of popular people followed her, and everyone else dispersed. I turned to Alani.

"Outcasts... oooh she sure got us!" Alani rolled her eyes. I laughed.

"Thanks," I said sincerely. Alani smiled.

"I owed you one," she winked. "Catch you later."

As she walked down the hallway, the words echoed in my mind. Owed me one. As if she paid me back for standing up for her. I knew I was over thinking it, but a nagging voice in my mind told me that she was now debt free and could finally go back to her friends and stop being nice to me.

I sighed as I entered my English classroom, I noticed Carson wasn't there and felt an embarrassing pang of disappointment. I threw my stuff down as I sat in my chair. I didn't need anyone. I had myself and that had to be enough.

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