Stay all Night

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Jimi, Karen and Emma arrived at the hospital. Karen filled out the paper work while Jimi and Emma sat in the waiting area. "Emma, what is your last name?" asked Karen. "Montgomery" replied Emma. "How old are you?" "10" Emma replied again. "Birthday?" asked Karen. "April 17th, 1997" Emma said. Karen got up and handed the forms back to the lady at the desk. About 10 min. later a doctor came out and called Emma's name. The three of them stood up and walked over. They had Emma sit on a bed and pulled the curtain to give her some privacy. The doctor took her blood pressure, checked her heart, weighed her and made sure she didn't have a concussion before they stitched her up. She needed three stitches and the doctor put a band-aide over it. The doctor pulled Karen and Jimi aside. "Emma is very underweight for her height and age." He told them. "She looks like she isn't being fed properly and I noticed some bruising on her arms, I was wondering if you know anything about that?" he asked. "I mean, we just met her about two hours ago. Are you saying she is getting abused at home?" Karen asked worriedly. "It sort of looks that way, we can ask her about it and see what she says, but if she says she's not then we have to leave it at that." Replied the doctor. The three of them walked back over to Emma. "Emma I have a few questions for you." The doctor told her. "Um, alright." "I understand that you are in foster care." Stated the doctor. "yeah" Emma replied quietly. "Emma when was the last time you ate when you were at home?" asked the doctor. "Um, I guess at breakfast this morning." She replied. "What did you eat for breakfast?" "Um, a piece of toast." "Do you eat lunch at school then?" "Yes" "How often do you eat dinner at home?" "Um.... Sometimes, I guess, when I'm hungry and feel like eating." Emma replied looking down at her feet. "I noticed some bruises on your arm, what are those from?" the doctor asked. "Well.... I um... I tripped and hit my arm on the wall." Emma lied. The doctor, Karen and Jimi looked at each other. "Thank you Emma. I am going to need you back here in about a week to see how that cut has healed and take those stitches out." Said the doctor. "Oh, um, alright." She said. "Wait, that's it?" asked Karen angrily. "We all know what is going on here." She was starting to yell. "Babe, calm down." Said Jimi. "Don't you tell me to calm down! That little girl is going through hell and you are just going to let her go back there?!." Karen said a little louder. "Ma'am there is nothing more to do here. Emma didn't actually tell us she was getting abused and not fed." Said the doctor. "That is ridiculous!" Karen said. "So we just let her go back there?" she asked. "There is nothing more we can do. So, if you can just make sure that gets back here in a week that would be great." Replied the doctor. "Fine" Karen said annoyed. They walked back over to Emma. "Alright sweetie let's get you out of here." Karen said. "Ok" replied Emma. Karen went up to the desk and made an appointment for Emma next week.


There was still about two hours left before the show. "Emma are you hungry?" asked Jimi. "A little." She replied. "How do burgers sound?" he asked. "Sounds good." Karen and Emma said. They went to In-N-Out Burger. They got their food and found and sat down and ate. Jimi and Karen got to know Emma a little bit better as well. Once they were done they threw away their garbage and headed back to the car. "Emma where do your foster parents think you are right now?" asked Karen seriously. "Well, my foster mom, Kelly, thinks I am spending the weekend at my friend Cassie's house." Replied Emma. "Do you want us to drop you off there after the show?" Jimi asked Emma. "You are gonna let me stay for the show?" Emma asked excitedly. "Well of course sweetie." Said Karen. "So, would you like us to take you to your friend Cassie's house?" asked Jimi again. "Um, no I usually just use Cassie as a cover up. I usually just wander around and find some place to stay." Emma said quietly. Karen looked at Jimi almost tearfully. "Would you like to stay with us for the weekend? We can take you home on Sunday." Asked Karen. "You don't have to do that, I can figure something out." Emma said. "It is no trouble at all sweetie." Said Karen. "Well, um, I guess so." Said Emma. They headed back to the venue and Karen and Jimi got ready for the show. They introduced Emma to the rest of the members of their band and to Martina. Emma was ecstatic to be able to meet her.

Little Big Town went on stage and did their set for the night. Emma had a great seat on the side of the stage and sat with Martina during their set. As soon as it was over the band walked back to their dressing room. They sat and talked about the set they just put on. It was almost time for Martina's set and Jimi and Karen took Emma out into the audience where they had some seats reserved to watch the show. Emma had the time of her life. Once the show was over they walked back stage said goodbye to everyone and got in the car and took Emma home with them.  

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