Emma's First Date

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It was about 7:30 the next morning and Elijah was wide awake and babbling incoherent things from his crib. Karen laid in bed for a little while just listening to Elijah. She was still wrapped in Jimi's arms. She was laying on her side with her back to Jimi's chest and he had his arm draped around her stomach. She smiled at the baby monitor as she was listening. She heard Emma's door open and her light footsteps walk down the hall. She heard her pick Elijah up out of his crib. Emma changed him and got him dressed. Emma really enjoyed helping out with Elijah and spending time with her baby brother.

She walked down the hall and opened her parent's bedroom door. Karen proped her head up and smiled at her two smiling children. "Hey guys" Karen whispered. "Come over here" she added. Emma walked over to the bed and set Elijah down and he rolled over to Karen. Emma climbed up next and scooted closer to her mom. "Thanks for getting him up and dressed. I really appreciate it" Karen whispered. "You're welcome. I really love doing it. I love spending time with him" Emma whispered back. "So I have some news for you" Karen said. "What?" Emma replied. "Daddy agreed to let you go on your date with Jake on Friday" Karen said. "Really?" Emma asked excitedly. "Yeah, he said as long as he can take you and meet him" Karen said. "I'm fine with that" Emma said. "Thank you Mommy" Emma said with a huge smile.

Elijah was squirming around and crawling all over Karen. He crawled up on Karen's side and his face was really close to Jimi's. Elijah put his hands on Jimi's face and was patting it. It startled Jimi and he woke up. Elijah was all giggly when he saw his dad's eyes open. "Hey there little man" Jimi said and Elijah started jumping around. Karen and Emma giggled at what Elijah was doing. Jimi picked up Elijah off of Karen and laid flat on his back. He lifted Elijah up in the air and Elijah was laughing and kicking his legs. Emma had crawled in between Karen and Jimi and cuddled up next to Jimi. Karen rolled over and grabbed her phone off the night stand and took a picture. She admired her little family that was laying in her bed.

"Why don't we head downstairs and get some breakfast" Karen suggested after about fifteen minutes. "Sounds good to me. I'm starving" Emma said and climbed out of the bed first. "Of course you are" Jimi said with a chuckle. Karen got out of bed next followed by Jimi and Elijah.


They walked down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. Jimi set Elijah in his high chair and Emma sat down at the counter. "How do pancakes sound?" Karen said looking in the pantry. "Sounds good to me" Emma said. "Me too" Jimi added. Jimi grabbed the stuff to make Elijah's baby cereal and started making it. Jimi fed Elijah while Karen made the pancakes.

Karen finished up breakfast and served the pancakes on three plates for her, Jimi and Emma. Elijah hung out in his high chair while the rest of them ate. "So Emma, Mom and I talked about you going on a date on Friday" Jimi started. Emma nodded. "We agreed to let you go, but I will be taking you to the movie theater and pick you up when it's done. I also want to meet this boy" Jimi said. "I'd expect nothing less" Emma said with a smile. "And you are to stay at the movie theater the entire time" Jimi added. "Ok" Emma responded with a smile. "Thank you Daddy" Emma said and ran over to Jimi and gave him a hug. "You're welcome princess" Jimi said.


Friday rolls around and Emma is nervous and excited for her date with Jake. She has been texting him all week nonstop. She had finally put her phone down when it was time to get ready. Karen was in her room putting fresh sheets on the bed. Emma walked in. "Hey Mama, can you help me get ready? I'm not sure what to wear." Emma asked quietly. Karen smiled at her "I would love to" she said.

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