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Heather O'Reilley was back from her vacation in Italy. 

Everyone was happy to see her, especially Pinoe and Kelley. The three of them were partners in crime, pranking their teammates and messing around all day. They welcomed her and put her in Pinoe's room, so that Carli could have the single room. Everybody now knew her and Hope were mad at each other, and nobody asked any question when they saw Allie going out of the keeper's room. HAO unpacked her things and got ready for training. She arrived on the field a little bit late, but started her workout right away. 

Jill and Dawn were watching the players train, concentrated on their personal efforts and progresses. They all were very fit and motivated, which was a very good sign. Pinoe tried to make her teammates laugh so that the atmosphere would be more beneficial. And it worked, since even Allie smiled for a second. 

As they were having a break, Julie decided to take the first step and go talk to Christen. She pulled her outside by the arm and faces her. When she saw her looking away, very uncomfortable, Julie felt guilty. 

- Christen... What happened ? What did I do to get you so mad at me ? Julie asked with sad eyes.

Christen didn't answer immediately. She didn't know how to say things, or what to say to her best friend. She missed her so much it was unbearable. 

- I... I'm sorry. I needed some time alone, she finally said, looking into the blonde's blue eyes. My family is falling apart, I broke up with my boyfriend, and I feel so out of place...

What she said was true, even though she didn't miss her boyfriend at all. He was only a substitute for Julie. Her friend looked at her in shock before pulling her into a big hug. Christen buried he face in Julie's neck and felt alive again. She started crying without knowing why, and Julie hold her tighter. Christen slowly pulled away, even if it was the last thing she wanted to do. She wiped her tears away and stared at Julie, scared of her reaction.

The blue-eyed girl smiled at her with kindness. 

- You should've told me sooner..., she said with sadness in her voice. Now I feel like a terrible best friend. 

- No, don't say tha...

- Let me finish, please, Julie cut her. Christen freaking Press, I am your person and I'll help you get through this. Just let me in so I can help you. I don't want you to cry because you are so much more beautiful when you smile. I'm here Chris, and I'm not going anywhere without you by my side. We started this together, we'll finish it the same way. 

- I love you, Christen said.

- I love you too, dummy, Julie replied, hugging her once again. 

They stayed in that position for a few minutes, before a door opened and Kelley appeared just in front of them. They parted quickly and look at the light brunette who had a big smile on her face. 

- Oh Gawd, my cinnamon rolls are back ! she screamed with excitement before jumping on her friends arms. 

- Kels, I can't breath, Julie said as her face was buried in the Jersey girl's hair. 

- Oops, sorry, Kelly said before pulling away. 

The three of them laughed before going back to training.


Alex sat up joyfully. 

This afternoon, the team was going on a visit of some mountain. They were sitting on the bus, waiting for it to departure. As usual, Tobin took the place next to Alex, and Allie sat on the seat in front of them, quickly joined by HAO. 

- How was Italy ? Tobin asked. 

- So good, HAO replied. The food was heaven. And don't talk to me about pizza, because I think I gained several pounds by just eating pizzas. 

- I can imagine that very clearly, Alex let out, laughing. 

As Heather was telling several stories about her trip, Alex saw Carli sitting alone on the seats next to them, her earphones on, and Hope passing by without even looking at her. Surprised, Alex exchanged a glare with Tobin, who seemed as confused. Hope sat next to Alyssa and started a conversation with her. 

Heather, who didn't want to talk about Italy and pizzas anymore, frowned. 

- What's up with Harli ? she asked.

- Har- what ? Alex asked.

- Ship name for Carli and Hope. Anyway. 

- They got on a big fight yesterday night, Allie said, lowering her voice. Carli asked me to switch rooms with her so she didn't have to be with Hope anymore. From what I've heard, their fight was pretty intense. 

They all sat in silence for a while. Carli and Hope were the rocks of the teams, since Abby and Rampone left the team few months ago. Seeing them tearing apart wasn't a good sign for the team bonding.  

- I hope they'll make up soon, Tobin concluded. I don't like them angry at each other. 

Everyone nodded in agreement.       

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