Twenty Six

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Harry and I are still not really speaking. We only talk when I ask him what he wants to do for dinner or if we need anything cat the grocery store but he always says I don't know and walks to his office.

I want to talk to him I just don't know how to start a conversation about the issue and what we should do about it.

Payton and I have been going to the park across the street more since she's getting more active. She has to much energy bundle up inside her she could run a marathon.

"Dada! Can I pway soccer with Boo when I get old?" She asks with energy and brightness in her eyes. We're at the park and she's been running around and talking and playing with everyone that she has a think layer of sweat on her forehead.

"Of course you can peanut. We should talk to Boo about to see if you could join a team?" She laughs loud and throws her hands in the air in excitement.

"I be really good a soccer Dada!" And she ran off towards the big play area. I keep my eyes on her the whole time while rubbing my swollen stomach trying to dull out the pain of the twins moving.

After awhile I notice that Payton has slowed down a bit so I go to catch up with her. Once she sees me walking up to her she runs up to me.

"Ready to go and get cleaned up?" She nods and grabs my hand as we walk home. As we get closer to the house I notice another car in the driveway, and its not one that I recognize. I pull Payton closer to me letting my mother side kick in. The door was unlocked but Harry's office door was shut.

"Hey princess why don't you go up to your room and pick out some pajamas for tonight, yeah?" She nods and runs to the stairs.

Once I see her walk into her room I walk to Harry's office door. Right when I was about to open it, it opens reveling a women with dark hair and a little to revealing outfit. I narrow my eyes at her then at Harry, he doesn't look at me in the eye and that worries me.

"It's was nice to meet you Mr. Styles and I hope we can talk again." She says carrying a briefcase and a smirk. I watch her walk through the door and shut it.

"Who the-"

"She's a new employee at work. She just wanted to meet me."

"She had to come to your private office at your private home? Why couldn't she meet you at your work?"

"I don't fucking know Zayn. Damn why don't you ask her?" I stare at him like he just hit a puppy or something.

"Excuse me?" I cross my arms over my stomach and lean against the door frame.

"I said maybe you should ask her why the fuck she was here. Damn Zayn what's your problem? Your pms wasn't this bad with Payton. Maybe it's the satan child in you?"

"What the absolute hell Harry? What has gotten into you? Are you really still upset about my whole situation I couldn't control?" I don't wait to her his answer but I mumble that he's an ass under my breath and walk away. As I get to the middle of the living room I feel him grab my arm and turn me around. He's red in the face and looks pissed. Great.

"Yes I upset about the whole situation Zayn! Why the fuck wouldn't I be? I've been dealing with this whole fucking thing and trying not to go to that fuckers house and tell him how it is."

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