5. Surprise or shock? (II)

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Forgive me
Never forget me.
Though I'm out of sight,
don't let me out of mind.
Don't banish me from your heart.
For though you were never mine,
I loved you from the start.



Ring... Ring... Ring...

The phone cuts short my conversation with Nate.

I grit my teeth in annoyance when I check the caller ID.

Warrior Matt Sanders

This was the thirteenth time he was pestering me with his incessant phone calls. Yesterday, I was phoned twenty five times, twenty nine times the day before. And yes, I counted, I'm that exasperated.

The boy never knew when to stop. He was a new warrior and was hyper excited about his duty 24/7.

Without a second thought, I cut the call and return to Alpha Raven and his mate with a smile.

"As I was saying, Nate," I continue our earlier conversation, "The Guardians are planning to begin the training tomorrow dawn. Unlike the normal training, it won't be for the entire pack. It will only include the Alphas and their Lunas and Betas."

His mouth presses in a grim line. "What about the Chosen Wolves? When Fenrir mentioned the training, she didn't inform me anything about you."

"We will be trained with you. Cerberus himself decided this, so we might as well go according to the plan."

"True," he agrees, "Cerberus after all has foreseen the future. It's his natural ability, isn't it? I'm sure he has a purpose."

"Cerberus cannot predict the future accurately," I shake my head, "Just glimpses. Even that is unpredictable. We cannot rely on talent alone. Which is why we will be trained for all possible attacks."

"What about the Blood Hounds?" Tessa inquires.

"They should be arriving soon." I reply.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

I clench my fist.

Warrior Matt Sanders

He'd better have something important to say, or I'm going to assign him toilet duty again.

"Excuse me a moment," I tell Nate and Tessa, flashing them apologetic smile. I stride towards the corner of the hall to avoid the noise while I talk.

"This better be important, Sanders."

My voice is laced with boredom exasperation, annoyance and frustration, and if Matt was born with even a spark of good sense he would cut the phone and get back to work.

"Alpha Carter!" He yells into the phone breathlessly.

I roll my eyes, "What is it Matt? Haven't I told you to call me through the phone in the office? This number is only for personal use."

"But Alpha this is important!"

"That's exactly what you told me yesterday, the day before and two weeks ago. If you are going to use my-sister-is-pregnant excuse again, you may go. But please get yourself a better excuse the next time. It's pretty embarrassing to hear the same thing over and over again."

"No sir-"

"Keep the phone, Sanders. Don't try my patience."

"Alpha you have to-"

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