14. I smell blood

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Thank you ReaderOnlineNow for the character banner on top. I'm trying not to drool at the sheer perfection of the guy.


FOCUS, KIARA, FOCUS. I seethe when I lose for the fifth time in a row. "Concentrate on his moves."

Smirking devilishly he ducks again, narrowly avoiding the punch I aim at his face. I grit my teeth and draw back, when my fist meets nothing but air. "Damn," I swear under my breath, "he's good."

"Why, thank you." He grins back, "I'm good at everything I do—"

The split second distraction is all I need. Not giving him any sign of warning, I thrust my fist forward once more hoping to knock him down.

I score.

"Mmpf!" He grunts as he stumbles back, slightly shaken. In spite of the blow, he still holds himself steady, "Nice one, Kiara, but in case you didn't notice, I was talki-"

My fist surges forth once more. I am not usually so reckless when it comes to duelling, today just happens to be a bad day. What with Aden being my duel partner, the mystery letter arrival and the fact that I still haven't won a single duel with my aforementioned partner, to say I'm grouchy would be an understatement.

"Bad Kiara!" He tuts me as his palm closes around my fist. "That's against the rules and you know it.

"Fight me." I growl.

"Deep breaths. We aren't doing anything until you control up your temper."

"I'm fine."

"People who are fine don't have smoke coming out of their ears."

Grumbling, I comply when I see no alternative.

"Can we continue now?" I ask after drawing inhaling lungfuls of air. I correct my stance and face him, head on.


I don't like being told what to do in a fight. I lead; others follow. It's how it's been going on for the last two years, and it's definitely not about to change now. "Let me rephrase that," I say, making my voice sound more menacing, "We will continue now."

He closes the distance between us and grips my shoulders. I flinch, expecting him to be rough, but it's nothing what I expect. It's calming, I almost allow myself to be led astray.


"Lets talk this out first."

"There's nothing to talk about." I snap.We are in the middle of a duel, in case you have forgotten."

He smirks again. "We were in the middle of a duel, Kiara. You lost. Game over."

"I still have my chance left as the defender. You must be delusional if you think I'm leaving without finishing what we started."

"And you must be delusional to think I'm going to stand here with you after the sun has set. Night time is dangerous. We're heading in."

I pull away from his grasp. Take a few steps back, and reestablish the distance between us. "Admit it. You're scared to lose."

His stormy eyes narrow. "Yes, I'm scared. Scared something will happen if we stay here after the sun sets. I will be answerable to the Guardians, Taylor and myself if there's so much as a scratch on you."

"Fine," I relent. "There's no need to make a big deal about it."

His expression turns softer once I'm in. Shutting the door, he leads the way. "Sorry, but members of this territory are prohibited to roam around once it gets dark. Curfew begins at eight and continues till five in the morning. It's been like this ever since we started facing attacks."

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