21. Toxic masculinity, so hot

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I gave you $10.
He gave you $20.
You felt he was better
because he gave you more.
But he had $200
and all I had was $10.



Disaster and I have a love-hate relationship. The more I try to run away from him, the more persistent he is to come back to me.

Four days have passed since the break in and since then security has been tightened a hundred fold. In spite of that, I've been hearing of rogues trying to infiltrate the Wolverines and the Black Stone pack at every chance they get. It doesn't matter that they're killed immediately when they are caught — they aren't afraid of death as long as they complete their mission. They value terror and destruction even more than their own lives.

Fucking psychopaths. All of them.

But the worse part is, ever since then, the WereGuardians were adamant to send us away on our mission while our pack members were reluctant to see us go. A nameless fear of panic had gripped them since Nora's death and it was heartbreaking to watch mothers and children cry in their sleep — either for themselves, or for each other.

The current situation of the male werewolves is much worse — even I don't know if such an aggressive attitude is beneficial for the pack or not.

They crave his blood beyond anything. A fire has been ignited in their souls and now there is no holding them back. They're an angry mob who's willing to fight fire with fire at any cost.

But Ashton, Aden and I couldn't stay behind. We had been assigned a job more important than pack duty and it would be against the law if we didn't do it.

So at the crack of dawn, we took off, leaving Beta Lawson and Ashton's mother, Elena in charge of our pack until we returned.

Unfortunately for us, we didn't quite end up in the place we wanted to.

Yep. That's one teleportation story gone hella wrong.

The next time I meet the Moon Goddess, I swear, I'm going to demand a refund for my talents. And while I'm at it, I'll check if there are refunds for idiotic ex-mates too.

Because, Aden Jason Carter is the kind who can annoy even Gandhi to take a swing at him.

We're stuck in the middle of nowhere without a compass, without a map and without a clue which direction to head off to, thanks to the aforementioned idiot.

"Dammit Taylor, I said I'm sorry! Can you stop looking at me like that? If you want I can check again."

"Carter." Ashton stares at him the same way he stares at broccoli. "I checked it a thousand times already. Do you honestly think it's going to reappear when you look at it?"

Aden's words come out muffled because his head is inside our backpack as he rummages about for the compass. "I've good eyes. It's probable that I can find it."

"Guys," I interrupt them, "Lets focus on what's important. Our priority is to find a way to get out of here, not fight with each other."

Ashton raises his eyes skyward in exasperation. "Is no one listening? We don't know how to get out of here."

"That's why I said we find a way. Solutions don't just come by chance, Ash. They are found by making an effort."

I signal toward at the tree behind which we are currently taking cover. It's good enough for the idea I have in mind.

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