Chapter 16

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I might be the villain of this story. ~Rebecca Makkai

Dedicated to a great person and reader, GlitterArmour. I just saw all the comments and voting you left on this book and I cannot be more grateful. It really means a lot. I love you, and thanks for the love. This chapter is for you! <3


Ok, have you ever been confronted with an impossible situation? I'm not talking about an inescapable prophecy telling you you're going to die at 16, or picking out just three books to buy in a bookstore, or deciding whether or not Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are cuter together or apart.

I'm talking about dating a guy while you know he doesn't like to read books.

Don't get me wrong, Nick is great in every other way. But how can you not have read Harry Potter? Or at least have seen the movies? Or not know what it is? I mean, I get if you're living in an area without internet or radio or one of those third-world countries, but you live in modern day New York. You grew up in Florida. HOW?

Or practically any other series? How can you not have a favorite book?

I know it may seem like I'm overreacting on this, but that's because I am a major bookworm. I can't date someone who doesn't read. I own at least 200 books!

Unfortunately, everytime I try to tell Nick this isn't working out, he distracts me with his amazing smile and eyes. Ugh!

"Calli, I need help!" I practically screamed the next time I met up with her.

"Ok, Siena, calm down. Let's grab our coffee and talk to me." She said, leading me outside.

I chatted as we walk along the busy street."Ok, so I'm having a few problems with Nick."

Calli raised her eyebrow. "And you came to the love expert to help? Carry on."

"Yeah, you're really good with relationships and stuff like that."

"Ok, so what's the problem? He doesn't like pizza? Eats only healthy stuff? Has a bad laugh?"

"Worse." I said. "He doesn't read books."

"What?" Calli nearly dropped her drink.

"Yeah. And that's not it. He's just not an overall nice guy. Did you know, fans of Harry Potter are statistically more likely to be accepting and tolerant of people with differences. Nick's just not like that. I don't think he's homophobic, but he doesn't support LGBT people, so when I told him about my sister, he just looked at me kinda weird and didn't talk to me for a few days."

"Then why are you still with him?" Calli asked, taking sips of her drink.

"I don't know! Usually I never stay with a guy like this, but everytime I get near him, he has this disarming smile and he's so nice to me. I don't know why he can do that to me! It's like my mind goes blank near him!" I said, burying my head in my hands.

"Well, I guess you need to find a way to tell him you don't want to see him anymore without seeing his face."

"Yeah. I could do it over text." I said, pulling my silver phone out of my coat pocket.

"No! Siena, I know you're a villain, but you can't just break up with someone over text! That's just cruel." She pulled the phone out of my hands and pressed the button on the side, clicking it off.

"Fine Ms. Cupid. Let's talk about you. I know you date a lot of guys. You haven't mentioned someone in a month, and that's very unusual." Calli blushed at my words.

"No one." She muttered, putting her coffee cup to her lips again, avoiding my question.

"No, no, no. When you blush, it means you really like a guy. Now, spill. Tell me."" I pressed. I'm not like Dylan and his annoying habit of respecting privacy. At least, not with my best friend.

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