Ch. 7 Attack

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I sat with Reed for nearly two hours. I watched him work. It was a bit tiring, but I didn't mind. It wasn't like I had anything better to do. I also found myself enjoying his company.

He sighed.

"Something wrong?"

"No, just reviewing this case. Ridiculous. He's suing his ex-girlfriend because she caused him emotional distress."

"You won't sue me when we breakup?"

"We barely even started and you're already talking about breaking it off again?"

"Reed, answer my question."

"No, I wouldn't sue. Every breakup has its emotional baggage. Even when you broke it off the other day, I was beside myself. We were back together by the end of the day."

"I remember."

He looked at me. "I don't plan on breaking up any time soon."

"That makes two of us."

He smiled, then looked back to his work.

I looked at him.

He was quiet, turning a page.



"How many more files do you have to go through?"

"A couple, then I'm done. I promise. It's just where I've been in jail and court. It piled up on me."

"Maybe I should just get a hotel. It's really fine. I don't mind."

"Georgia, I'm almost finished. I promise. If I'm not done by nine, you can pull me out of this office."

I nodded. "Okay."

He got back to work.

I waited more. I checked my emails again and looked at my watch. It was already 8:15.

The minutes ticked by slowly.

It was excruciatingly boring. I had nothing to do, so I just sat there and waited quietly. Like I'd been doing all day. I was insanely bored.

At 8:55, I looked at Reed.

He was elbow deep in papers. He was working insanely hard.

There was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Reed called, not looking up.

Peter Garrison came in. "Hey, so court went well today. You know, that girl of yours didn't flinch once. Seriously, I mean she looks just like his victims and she doesn't even twitch? She was like stone the whole afternoon."


"No, don't get me wrong. She's hot as hell. Is she good in the sack?"


"I'm sure she's a beast. You know, she's insanely smart too. She's not even thirty and she's a judge."

"I'm well aware that she's smart."

"Is there anything you know about her that could give me some kind of headway with her? Because we have this trial and this client and she hates me. She thinks I'm a prick and she hates my client. Is there anything she's told you that could help?"


"Does she say anything on your dates? Oh, what about after sex?"

My turn. "We wouldn't know. You so rudely interrupted us yesterday evening."

He sighed. "Has she been there the whole time?"

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