Ch. 45 Christmas Drama

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I spent the whole day at the office. I didn't know what to do. I just worked and worked. I sorted out all of Judge Conley's affairs. I figured out everything and arranged everything. I would just have to make a few calls on the 27th.

Andy and Sue stayed and worked with me. We worked with the probate office and tried to make sense of things.

While we did all of that, my mind went to Reed.

I didn't know how he could do that, how he could hurt me that way. And with people watching? How drunk would you have to be? Pretty drunk, I figured. I hoped.

What did that mean for us? After all we'd been through, would I just throw in the towel? Would I storm out on Christmas Eve and leave him and everything behind? Would I stay and work it out? What was the best thing to do?

In the past when I'd been cheated on, I left the bastards. But Reed and I were to be married in a few months. We weren't just dating. We were starting our life together. We had a foundation. Was I supposed to throw that away?

I didn't know what to do.

When there was absolutely nothing else I could do at the office, I went to Jen's. I got out and went to her door. I knocked.

She opened the door and smiled, "Hey."

"I need to talk. I need another opinion. I would talk to Mom, but she's dead and I can't tell Dad or Nan."


"Can we go get a drink?"

"Of course." She looked back. "James, honey, I'm going out with Georgia!"

"Can I come?" he called.

She looked at me.


"Yeah, come on."

We all went to the bar down the street and ordered a couple rounds of various drinks.

I downed the first drink, then I quickly started on the second.

Jen put a hand to my arm. "Slow down. What did he do?"


"What did the rich bastard do?"

So I told them everything about the day before and this morning. I told her every little detail, skimming over the sex we'd had. She didn't need those details. I told her everything he said, everything I said. I mentioned everything we did.

By the time I was finished, they were looking at me with wide eyes.

"And you don't know what to do?"

I sighed and told her how I was conflicted and why I as conflicted. I explained everything.

She sighed.

"I don't know what to do."

"I would fuck with him," James spoke.

We looked at him.

"You're right. You've been through a lot. You can't just leave."

"So how does she fuck with him?"

"Be really sweet and loving. Hell, even have sex with him. He's going to think that you're going to be pissed. He may even think that you've snapped. You're going to put on this charade until you find the perfect opportunity to let out your anger. At the very least, it'll get you through the holidays."

"True," Jen spoke.

I nodded. "But don't leave him?"

"It's confusing and I think he doesn't really understand how to be in a relationship where he actually loves the person. I think this is new to him."

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