I'll Play The Cards That I Have Been Dealt

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*Finlay's POV*

                     What an odd feeling. No pain, actually no nothing. Just darkness but hang on, I'm dead right, which means I guess that's how it goes. But why am I thinking? Maybe that's what you do. Voices, familiar voices. Why can I hear Elijah & Nik? I guess that's my mind trying to comfort me.

                      The noises around me were loud. I could even hear a heart beating - wait what? Heart beating means that whatever it is, is alive but I'm dead. My eyes started to open. Everything was bright, like staring into the sun bright. I was laying on the lounge at the house. I could hear moans of pain coming from just left of where my feet were. Gee heaven or hell looks a lot like home. I sat up to see Marcus/Marcel – whoever, & that Vincent guy tied up to chairs. My throat burned & a hunger that I have never felt before rose its ugly head. The vampire had his head down – hang on Marcus/Marcel's a vampire, how did I know that exactly? Ok, focus stupid dead girl, I think. Rambling with myself, yeah that seems plausible.

                      I fixed my sights on Vincent. I heard his strong heartbeat & smelt his blood coursing through his veins. That's when it dawned on me; I was a vampire. But how? I did a quick recap of everything that Elijah had told me & I had to of had vampire blood in my system for it to have worked. I remembered that last night Elijah had fed off me & gave me his blood to heal the bite marks.

                     Earlier events from tonight played & I saw red; my blood boiled with anger. I sped over & sunk my teeth into the side of Vincent's neck. His blood soothed the fire within me.

I heard Marcus/Marcel, "what the hell?"

                      Nothing mattered right now; the only thing I cared about was drinking all that I could from him. I heard others enter the room. Someone had a heartbeat that only just registered with me.

"Finlay, stop!" someone yelled at me.

                      My head shot up toward the voice. I felt the blood oozing down my chin. I saw the vampire brothers just staring at me like they had seen a ghost. I guess technically they did. I was dead in a not so dead kind of way.

"How is this possible?" Niklaus questioned unable to fathom what was in front of him.

"I'm not su...." Elijah spoke but then the realisation hit him, "she had my blood in her system."

"Well at least you no longer have to torture Vincent, Niklaus. She seems to have taken care of that problem," Kol smirked toward me.

I felt myself change back to I guess my human face – actually can I still call it that? "What have I done?"

                       I comprehended my actions. I killed someone. I drank someone's blood. This meant I was now a vampire. Elijah came closer but did it slowly like he was afraid of me. He slowly but carefully retrieved a handkerchief & started to clean my face. I must look shocking.

"I'll just clean this up. Kol come give me a hand," Niklaus moved towards the now lifeless Vincent & Kol joined him.

                       Elijah stood in front of me, watching my face. His eyes were filled with pain, sorrow, fear & anger.

I knew it was all because of what I had done, "I'm sorry Elijah."

"There's no need to be my love. It's what you are now," he cradled me into his torso.

I needed to feel him again, it was way too long for me, "it was your blood that did this, wasn't it?"

"Yes & I wish it wasn't but I'm glad it was," as I peered up at him, he looked torn.

Till Death Do Us Part (Elijah Mikaelson/The Originals/TVD Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now