Let's Get This Party Started Then

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*Elijah's POV*

                   After the movie had finished, we all cleaned up the mess, said our goodnights & headed to designated rooms. Finlay decided that we would spend the night in my room for a change.

As we were getting ready for bed I had to ask about the earlier phone call she received, "who called you earlier?"

"Clark. He was taking a break before he lost his mind. He said his mum was driving him crazy with the amount of grimoires she put in front of him & said go for it," she got under the sheets.

"Why did he ring you? Why didn't he ring Rebekah?"I questioned joining her in bed.

"I guess he wanted to talk to his best friend. He wanted to vent to someone & I guess I drew the short straw," she snuggled up into my arms.

                    I wasn't sure if that was the full conversation but I was willing to let it go. I tightened my hold on her & kissed the top of her head.

"Please promise me that you aren't planning to do anything stupid when we meet up with my parents?" I spoke into her hair.

"I'm babysitting Clark remember," her tone was filled with sarcasm.

"That didn't answer my request," I pulled her away so I could see her face.

"I promise I won't do anything stupid," she looked me in the eyes.

                   I guess I should be happy that she just promised me. As long as she was out of harm's way, I would be able to concentrate on killing my parents once & for all.

"So do you think after all this stuff is done, we might start getting the wedding arrangements planned?" she had kept her eyes on me.

"I can't see why not. I'm sure Rebekah will want to take over but just remember that it will be your special day & if you don't like something, you'll tell her. I want you to have everything that you've ever wanted," I felt a smile grow upon my face.

                   To think that after everything that has happened, that she still wants to become my wife & join our extremely dysfunctional family.

"I'm sure I can handle Bekah. What I really want is you to help too. It's your day too, you know. I want to know what you would like as well," she pushed herself up to kiss me.

"I promise that I will give you all my feedback. Now we need to get some sleep because I have this feeling that tomorrow is going to be a long hard day," I returned the kiss with slightly more passion.

"You know that kissing me like that, we aren't going to get much sleep," she leant her head back as I laid kisses down her neck.

"It's possible that I'm trying something to help us to fall asleep," I nipped at her earlobe & her body bucked toward me.

"Maybe you're right," she moaned, her eyes shut.

                     I took her with all that I had & I didn't care if everyone in the house knew it either. It dawned on me just before that this could be the last time that we ever do this & I wanted it to be memorable that's for sure.

                     We finally pulled away from each other. Finlay was breathing heavily but looking fully sated.

"Wow Elijah. You seem to have held back even when you said you weren't. Not that I'm complaining. What's wrong?" she rolled over to face me, her body in full view as the bedding had fallen to the floor during our frolic.

Till Death Do Us Part (Elijah Mikaelson/The Originals/TVD Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now