We Never Spoke Of Having Children

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*Elijah's POV*

                    After everyone gathered at the table, I bought the Lobster Thermidor to the table with the serving implements.

"Enjoy everyone," I said before everyone started serving themselves.

                    I sat back & waited. To be honest I wasn't overly hungry. Even though I would never admit it out loud, I was worried about Finlay. I knew that she was the target that my parents were aiming for & they had succeeded once but I would vow that they wouldn't get another chance, even if it meant my demise. I was going to get Bonnie to cast something to protect Finlay on top of the spell that Freya has done with the bracelet. I guess it was my reassurance to help me fight harder. I know I had so many people around me that would endeavour to keep her safe but I needed to know that I could protect her since I previously had a bad innings with 0-2 on the protecting her side of things.

"Elijah, are you going to eat?" Finlay whispered to me.

"I might have something later. I'm not very hungry at the moment," I replied & got up from the table, which got everyone's attention.

"Brother, are you alright?" Niklaus asked me.

"Yes, yes fine. I just remembered I have to check out the gallery. I won't be gone long," I lied & sped out to my car before anyone could question me any longer.

I made it out there & put the key in the ignition but someone made it to the car just as quick, "There is something very wrong Elijah & I need you to tell me what it is."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling like I could be getting a headache, "my love, everything is fine. I'm just going down to the gallery to make sure there is still enough works hanging to sell."

Finlay placed her hand on mine, "I can see that there is something that you're not telling me but I'll let it go for now. I thought we had a deal – no secrets no lies."

I sighed because what she said was true, we did have a promise, "when I get back, I promise to tell you what's wrong. I just need to get out & think for a little while."

"Ok Lijah," she replied,, hopping back out of the car, "I think I know what's up & you need to know I'm not that delicate flower anymore. I love you."

"Thank you. I love you too my beloved," I started the car & left.

She knew why but I knew she wanted to hear from me. I just had no idea on how or what to tell her.

                             Driving always helped in times of a crisis & I hoped that by the time I returned I would know exactly what needed to be done & said. I started to drive toward the gallery. I should do what I said I was going to do in the first place. The staff had locked up & alarmed the building. I trusted the people we hired. I pulled around back, locking the car & going to the back door. I unlocked the door & turned off the alarm. I placed the keys into my suit pants & walked into the main display room.

My phone signalled a call coming through, "Elijah Mikaelson."

"Mr Mikaelson, just phoning to let you know that the gallery alarm has been turned off," a voice came from the other end.

"Yes, that was just me. I'll be finished here in about 30 minutes," I told the gentleman from the security alarm office.

"Certainly sir. Did you want us to call you back if the alarm hasn't been turned back on in 45 minutes?" he asked.

"Thank you," I replied, knowing I had chosen a good company to protect my investment.

"Very good sir. Good bye," he spoke waiting for me to answer.

Till Death Do Us Part (Elijah Mikaelson/The Originals/TVD Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now