Hey Scaredy Bat

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*Finlay's POV*

                     From the moment I laid my eyes on the pregnancy test that Freya had for this very reason, I was ecstatic of the prospect of being able to have the one thing I thought would never happen. The look on Elijah's face when he realised what had just occurred made this so much more exciting. Our lives were going to be finally complete. We had just bought our own house, in less than two weeks we were to be wed & in several months, the pitter-patter of little feet.

                    I continued as normal, went to class & tried extremely hard to get ahead in my studies. Neither I nor Elijah had heard from Bekah & Clark had not been in class. I wondered how the proposal went. But considering we had heard nothing, I was worried & even though Elijah told me not to be, I knew deep down inside he was too.

                   I thought I would drop over to the old house just to see if Bekah was there. I drove up the driveway to find Elijah's car also here. I parked behind it & went to the front door, knocking politely.

"Seriously Fin you're family, just come in," Kol teased as he opened the door.

"I was bought up to be respectful Kol, unlike yourself," I smirked wandering into the house.

"Think yourself lucky you've got a bun in the oven or you'd be in trouble," he threatened playfully.

"Oh yeah, is that right? Exactly what would you do?" I stopped, turned to face him with my hands on my hips.

His cocky grin slowly disappeared, "Elijah come & control your hormonal bride please."

                      From the other room I heard chuckles of laughter from both Elijah & Nik, who now joined us.

"Kol really, you an original vampire, scared of a normal female vampire? That's just wrong. You've taken on many monsters but a little vampire scares you? You are sad," Nik taunted his youngest brother.

"If I remember correctly, you've been afraid of her at some point but she's pregnant now, so she's increasingly scarier now than before. She is like Rebekah on steroids & that's just scary thinking of it," Kol side stepped behind Elijah & then into the lounge room.

"Are you sure you guys didn't have three sisters not just two?" I asked & waited for the retaliation.

"I heard that you bitch," Kol's voice came through to us.

"Well duh. I would've been disappointed if you didn't Kolleen," I was indeed on a role.

"Now my love stop teasing, you know what he's like. What are you doing here anyway?" Elijah smiled, trying his hardest not to laugh at my last response.

"I came to see if Bekah was ok. I haven't heard from her & Clark hasn't been in class. Nik is she home?" I turned my attention from Elijah to Nik.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her since her date with Clark the other night. Have you tried calling them?" Nik's brows creased & he had the same worried look as Elijah had.

"Of course I have," I answered & then I started walking to where Kol had disappeared to, "Hey scaredy bat, have you seen or heard from Bekah?"

"If I say no, are you going throw a hormonal fit at me?" he seemed to be on alert.

"Possibly if you piss me off I will," I stood with my hands on my hips.

"Ok, no I haven't seen her," he relaxed some.

                      I wondered how the proposal went. I could sense something was just not right but just couldn't pinpoint what it was. I was about to tell Elijah that I was going to go out to see if I could find either of them but the front door flew open & both Bekah & Clark waltz in.

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