You Have Been Watching Too Much iZombie

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*Bonnie's POV*

                            Well that was definitely a phone call I never ever expected to get. Here I was thinking that we were rid of the Originals but nope, not so lucky. I just hope that Pauline is willing to help here. I dialled her number & waited for her to answer.

"Hello," she answered.

"Hey Pauline, it's Bonnie," I replied.

"As in my cousin Bonnie Bennett?" she asked.

"Yes that one. How are you?" I had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to be harder than I thought it would.

"I'm good. What's wrong Bonnie? No one ever calls just to see how I'm going. Spit it out," she knew there was a reason behind my call.

"Ok, I need you to hear me out first before answering me," I exhaled a deep breath.

"Go on," she encouraged me.

'Here goes nothing,' I thought while trying to work out the words to say to her.

"Ok I got a phone call today from a witch in Los Angeles asking if I knew any witches in that area. I told her you were but I wasn't sure if you were still practising & I said that you had a son," I hoped that wasn't the wrong thing to do, "but I never gave her your number. I said that I would speak to you first."

There was a long silent pause before she answered, "I'm still practising but Clark doesn't know his a warlock. I know he will be a very strong one if he does start practising."

"Would you be willing to help this other witch?" I asked.

"Who is it & why does she need another witch?" I had been waiting for this question to arise.

"Her name is Freya Mikaelson & she needs help to destroy her parents because they are trying to kill her & her siblings," I explained.

"Did you say Mikaelson, as in Klaus the hybrid & Esther Mikaelson, the most dangerous & powerful witch of all time?" there was a scared tone in her voice & that didn't make me think her answer would be good.

"Yes, that family," I lost hope.

I could hear her mumbling curse words under her breath, "I thought that Esther was dead. I'm sure that I heard that her daughter Freya & sister Dahlia had something to do with her death. She can't be alive."

"Yeah well, it seems that both Esther & Mikael have risen from the dead to try in eliminating their children once & for all," I paused for a moment, "so do you think you can help her?"

"Wow, I'm getting dragged into vampire issues again. I thought I would be safe from all this shit years ago. So the fact is you asking me to go up against not just a dominant witch but also a vampire-vampire hunter as well?" she seemed rather displeased about it.

"I guess I am. I do plan to help Freya if it's any consolation," I told her, only realising that I just dug my own grave.

She sighed, "I guess I can't let my cousin go in without some type of backup. How long do we have before this all goes down?"

"I have no idea but I will call Freya to let her know that you are willing to help. I guess the more witches we have, the more chance we have. I should come out that way & catch up with you & Flynn," I would have to make travel arrangements for a few weeks.

"You can stay with us. Just ring Freya now & find out. I guess I'll get Clark home for a while to get him into some training. Call me back when you're done," she answered.

Till Death Do Us Part (Elijah Mikaelson/The Originals/TVD Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin