Surprise Bitches

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*Finlay's POV*

                     Elijah shut the door behind him. I knew that he was torn between having to leave me & having to try saving all of our lives. I felt guilty for not exactly being fully honest with him & I could almost guarantee that he would be angry with me for doing what Clark & I had decided on. What Elijah & the others don't realise is that Clark has not only memorised every single spell in each grimoire but also perfected majority of them in the small amount of time that he has had.

"I've got this one spell up my sleeve but I haven't been able to try it out," Clark told me as we went up to my room to retrieve his bag.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well to try it on someone there's only one chance," he responded, looking a bit sheepish.

"Clark that's not very reassuring if we're going to be the heroes in this fairytale," I swept up the bag & took his clothes out of it.

"Do I really want to know where you acquired these beautiful objects from?" I questioned him, examining the exquisite pieces in my hands.

"My dad collects them & I'm pretty sure he's going to kill me once he finds out they're missing but hey, you only live once right? Forget I said that," he realised his faux par.

"Well I can always feed you my blood then if he does you can come back as a vampire & scare him," I joked.

"That's a thought," he replied, sitting on my bed.

"Clark, I was kidding. I'm not going to feed you my blood. That would be really awkward, besides Bekah would kick my arse," I joined him.

"Yeah I guess you're right, she would kick your arse. Hey, I never asked you but what's it like?" he stared down at his feet.

"You mean being a vampire?" he nodded his head so I told him, "it's different in some ways but I feel like my human self a lot of the time. The drinking blood thing takes time to get used to. I've been lucky in not wanting to drink from people, well not since I was spelled."

"Yeah Bek told me about that. I'm not sure if I'll ever want to be turned," he said, being honest.

"Well I guess I didn't have a choice but if it comes down to it & you were dying, would you want to be turned so you didn't die?" I was curious to know in case something ever happened.

"If it came down to it I guess I would, but what happens if I die before a vampire can get their blood into me?" he glanced over to me.

"Well that's not good. You'd die I guess. Maybe you & Bekah should have a talk about that later," I wasn't even sure what I was supposed to say.

"Before we leave, do you think, umm, well ....." he was getting flustered.

"You want some of my blood?" I thought that was what he was trying to get out.

"Yeah only because neither of us knows what's going to happen once we get there," he was blushing.

"Sure, I guess it would be safer that way," I got up to grab a glass from the bathroom & bit into my wrist, letting a small amount drip into it.

I handed him the glass & he screwed up his nose, "bottoms up."

The face he pulled after drinking the small amount was funny to watch & I couldn't help but giggle.

"It's an acquired taste, isn't it?" he went into the bathroom to wash the glass out.

"Yes that it is," I remembered my first time but pushed that aside because my reaction was so different to his.

Till Death Do Us Part (Elijah Mikaelson/The Originals/TVD Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now