Character Descriptions

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I just want to say. I don't own All of the Characters. I only own the ones I'm putting in. Stephenie Meyers owns all the Rest of the Characters.

Character Descriptions

Emily Is 5 foot 4, She has long Soft Blonde Hair, Green Eyes. Everyone loves her. Emily is 16 almost 17. Emily is Very Beautiful.Emily has a LOT of Friends. But she has two Best Friends. Autumn and Austin. Austin Is a vampire. Emily and Autumn are not. Austin Died for Emily. Autumn doesn't know he's a Vampire.

Autumn is Tall Blonde, Blue eyes. The girl that Every Guy wants

Austin is Austin Mahone so Just look him up.

Jacob Black is tall. He's 18 Very hot. Member of the Pack. In love with Bella. Untill he imprints

All the rest of the pack and the Cullens and of course Bella are just as they are from the movies and Books. Which are AMAZING by the way.

Loves Lasting Courage                   ~A Jacob Black Love Story~     ♔Where stories live. Discover now