Heaven... and Back

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Jakes POV

I felt sick, Like I was about to throw up. I felt incomplete . I didn't  know what was happening. I heard slow pounding in my head. I didn't reconize it thought. I started heating up more than usual. I didn't understand what was Going on. My stomach hurt. All over. Was something wrong with Emily. I hunshed over about to throw up. The pounding got faster and faster. I saw a flash of Emilys Eyes.

Everything Stoped. I was ok again. No fever. No more pounding.

What just happened?

Emilys POV

It was warm, Sunny, I could hear laughter. There was no more pain, Suffering. I saw  Kids with there parents. They all looked so happy.

" Hello Emily" A voice said softly.

" God" I whispered " yes"

" Whats happening?" I asked him. " You died" he said " But don't worry your going back" he said before I could say anything.

" So. I'm not going to hell" I asked him

" You did the right thing, You took her life, But you saved about 20 lifes, I'll count it as self defense" he said shrugging his shoulders.

He was tall. Had a short beard. he had brown eyes. He wasn't fat, But wasn't built.

" Come on, I want to show you something" he said taking my hand. " we walked across the Grass. He brought me to Jake. But Jake couldn't see me. " You love him" he said. " more than anything" i said. I watched as Jake was Crying. I hate seeing him upset. " You saved him" he said. I nodded

" You have to go to him. He needs you and you need him" he said pulling me into a hug. It felt different than other hugs. his was weightless, But it meant so much.

I was back in the Cabin, Still laying on the Floor. The pile of ashes still next to me. I looked down at my shirt. It still had blood on it. I lifted up my shirt. Nothing, no wound, No scar. A smile grew to my face.  Ha, I did it. I spit on my mothers Ashes " Fucking Bitch" I said.

Ok, Concentrate. She has been teaching me how  to teleport. Before I knew it, I was infront of the Cullens. I let edward back in my head. Before I knew it, They were infront of me. They all pulled me into hugs. "What happened" Alice said I lifted up my shirt and smile. " so you decided to kill yourelf" she said " no, It's not like that, I'm sorry I blocked you out" I said to Edward and Alice. " why did you do that exactly. " because I knew you would find me and stop me from doing what needed to be done" I said. I looked at emmet. HE was furious. " please don't be mad" I said giving him another hug.

" ya'know what, Your Grounded until "he hesitated "Forever" he finished. " Your not my dad Emmet" I laughed. He shot me a look. "ok, ok" I said. I went in side and took a quick shower. I switched my clothes. Now, I look good, For Jake.

I knocked on the Door of Billys. He opened it and his Eyes lit up. " Emily, Your back" He said. I bent down and gave him a hug from his Wheel Chair. " is jake in?" I asked.

" no, He's out looking for you., he'll be back any mintue." he smiled. " Don't tell him I'm hear, I want it to be a surprise" I said walking to Jakes Room " It's nice having you back Emily" he said wheeling into the living room.

I walked in jakes room. I looked for the indent in his bed. But there wasn't one. My poor Jake. I heard foot steps  " Any luck Jake?" Billy asked " no" Jake said. " I'm just going to go to my room" jake said.

I heard his foot steps coming down the Hallway. Heavy Breathing. Jake. I quickly crawled under his bed and Remained Quiet. I saw his feet. They walked to his bed. I felt as his bed sank a little. But didn't hurt me. I quietly moved out from under his Bed. I saw his Eyes Closed. He wasn't sleeping. I sat on his abs causing his eyes to open. They were filled with Joy, but before he could say anything. I kissed him. pushing him back down.

I stood up waiting for Jake to get up. " I missed you Jacob" I said " Emily, Your back, and Alive" he said picking me up. My legs rapped around his waist. My forhead against his. " Don't Ever leave me again" he said kissing me. " I wont" I said.

"Jake, I did it, I killed her" I said. " good" was al he said holding me in his lap. This was all I wanted. He was all I wanted

Loves Lasting Courage                   ~A Jacob Black Love Story~     ♔Where stories live. Discover now