Orange Sun

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Emilys POV

" I'm not mad. But you could have died" he said " But you were there. I told you I wouldn't die" I said " Your mad Because I almost Died for Emmet. A Vampire" I said. He didn't answer. " I would have done it for you too" I said. You guys are The  Only Thing I have Left. I said Tucking my feet under me.

We pulled up the The cullens House. It's more Breathtaking Everytime I see it. I walked in To be given a huge hug by Alice and Bella. " Thank You Emily" Rosalie said   I nodded " Carlisle I need a cup. He was quickly Back with a Shining Clean Cup. I walked ouside Charlisle and Jake Behind me. Edward and Alice Took Jasper and Bella away So Emmet Could Drink my Blood. First carlisle  put Animal Blood in it first to keep Emments Wanting for Human Blood to a minimum. I watched as the Blood Trickled down the Glass. I bent Down and Found a pointy Rock in the Driveway. I took a Deep breath and Slid it across my hand. Sending Pain through my Hand and arm. I looked Back at Jake who looked in pain at the sight of me cutting my Hand. I squezed my hand letting the Blood Run into the Cup.

I took a pedals From the Flower and Put it in the Blood. Then I took the last pedal and Ran it Across my hand. It stopped my hand from bleeding and within mintues my Cut was Gone. I walked slowly inside. Looking Down at the Wooden Floor. I Looked up to find Rosalies Eyes Staring me down. Apparently my blood is Speacial. Even Carlisle was taken by it. But the both Controled themsleves. I gave the Cup to Emmet and He drank it. Then he handed it to me.

" He needs to Rest." I told them. I'll see you soon. I walked out to Jake Sitting in his Truck Staring at Bella And Edward. It Did hurt that He loved Bella. 


Sorry this Chapter was Short. Please Comment and Vote. Also I still need Names


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