I know what I have to do

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Emilys POV

Emily...... Emily.  Her voice a whisper. It was almost painful ...you know what you have to do. You know what I want. Are you going to let everyone Die. I mean I've Really Caused some Damage. Then she showed me....

"quil. DON"T" I yelled but he didn't listen. He wasn't in wold form. He couldn't phase. She was fighting him. Victoria isn't alone. She can do a lot of things but she can't stop him from Phasing. She has a witch, I think.    It was me. I was helping her

She killed him. No. Not Quil. He can't die.

" Emily, Can you hear me"

My eyes fluttered open. Everyone Was standing around me. Jake Holding my hand. Carlisle Flashing a light in my Eyes. I was on a cold metal table.

" Water"

Jake quickly Handed me a glass of water.

"Jake. It's Quil. He's Dead"

" I have to go I have to-"

" Emily. Calm Down. It's ok. Jake You should go" Carlisle said to me and Jake

Jake Gently kissed my Forehead and walked out.

"Emily. You have to sleep.  Take these. They will keep the dreams away" He said Giving me pills

 I quickly Swallowed them.


Three Days have Passed Since Quil Died. Apparently I slept throught Everything. The funeral. The visitation. No one has heard or Seen Jake in  awhile.well except Billy. I knew they were Close. 

 I was quiet. I was always Quiet. But I knew what to say and When to say it.

" Emily" Billys voice came out

" Hey. How are you" I asked him

" Good you?"

" Better"

Billy Quietly led me to Jakes Room. My hands were Freezing. The pills have been helping me though. I put my hand to the light switch " Don't turn on the lights" It was Jakes Voice. He was Crying. I saw his Figure. He was sitting on the Floor. in the Corner " Jake" I was happy to see him but not like this. I sat next to him. And I held him. His tears hitting My Chest. My Jake..

He was next on the list....

Loves Lasting Courage                   ~A Jacob Black Love Story~     ♔Where stories live. Discover now