Ch. 11 Fast Forward (YN)

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1 Month Later


Its been month and things have changed. Belle Amour and MB have started working on the tour and its been crazy! Rehersal,studio,then more rehersals. Perfecting choreography and working stage stuff, making sure this tour will have the media and fans going wild. So far so good.Roc and I weren't speaking at first, but over time we both began to miss speaking to each other soo we became friends again. Although i STILL don't like his girlfriend Jessica. And he and Austin hate each other. Great right? Speaking of Austin, him and I were doing great until one night.

Flash Back

Roc and him just got into it.He drove me home and in the car we got into a full scale argument.

Austin: you need to check your friend YN, before i knock him the fuck out *he barks*

YN: Stop yelling at me! You act like its my fault that you can't keep your cool! *you yelled*

Austin: Just shut up YN

YN: Don't tell me what to do Austin!

By this point you were outside your house.

YN: Oh, and next time you talk to me like that, you can find yourself a new girlfriend *you say getting out of the car*

You hear him turn off the car and get out slamming the door. Shit.

Austin: *storming up to you* What the fuck is that supposed to mean!? *he says yellling loudly*

You: Stop yelling at me! *you say pushing him*

Austin: *he grabs your wrists and squeezes them waay to tight.*

You: Austin! Stop, your hurting me!

He keeps a strong grip on you not budging at all. you look up, not to see the nice light hazel eyes he had, only two pitch black circles drawing holes into your eyes. You were mortified. He took noticed and let go of your arms and got back in his car and drove off.

Love Is... (A Roc and YN story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat