Ch. 36 Finale: Love Is...?

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I was livid. I just got her to be my girlfriend, fucked that up with somebody she doesn't even like, and now she's missing. Great.

"Are you sure she didn't just get out for some fresh air?" Desiree asked.

"Then why the hell would her car be here?" Simone snapped

"Aye, chill. Frustration isn't gonna help this" I looked at Simone and her eyes were filled with hatred, "Yeah, cause being all up on Desiree will." She spat

My eyebrows raised in shock.

And Simone laughed angrily, "Oh, you think I didn't know? Well newsflash, your room is next door from me and the walls are shallow. You do the math." She said, mugging the two of us

It was like talking to an angry Yn. But actually having to deal with when she finds out...

Im fucked.


I sat back in my uncomfortable ass chair.

"A story?" I asked "You have got to be fucking kidding me right now!" I exclaimed.

She laughed, "Impatient. Just like your father."

"Don't you dare bring him into this. You have caused enough damage, Jessica." I scolded

"Oh boo who. Poor Yn this. Poor Yn that. Yn, Yn, Yn. Geez! Are you all anyone talks about around here?! Even Desiree seemingly can't-"

I blocked out all her bs, except for that last part.

"Desiree? How in the hell do you know her?" I questioned

I could tell By the look of shock that she accidentally let her name slip. And if I didn't get some answers, I was going to accidentally set it off up in here.

She stumbled over her words as
she racked her brain for a logical explanation on how she could lie her way out of this.

"Whats wrong, hmm? Cat's got your tongue? I mean, you were just so eager to tell me a story not even five minutes ago." I teased

It was amusing how I was the one restrained, yet I had complete control over the situation...

For now.


As Roc and Simone go back and forth, I slowly back out of the room, and race to the front door until i run into something. I turn around and it was Ray.

"And where are you planning on going?" He said eying me

"Please, Ray. Just move." I say trying my best to ease past him. I needed to get to Jessica, before she got to carried away with this Yn kidnapping situation. But from the looks of it, Ray isn't moving anytime soon.

Desperate times, calls for desperate measures

I thought, as I slowly slid my hand towards the handle of a cooking pan.

"Look. I don't really know you like that, but we're on a tour and the last the we need is-"

The sound of the pan clashing against his head immediately sent him crashing to the floor, unconscious.

I covered my mouth with my hands as I eased out the door.

Im so sorry Ray

I quietly whispered, before running to the first car in sight. Thankfully, people around here leave there doors unlocked, so i didn't have to set off any car alarms. And thanks to many years o being in the streets, I expertly hotwired the car and sped down the streets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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