Ch. 25 Meeting Rebelle

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Yess. Finally, what i've been waiting for literally my entire life! Our first tour. Can't say the same for MB, they've been on tons of em. Us on the other hand spend our time singing and just doing concerts.

We load on to the bus and our mouth literally drop. Its literally like a mothafreakin house! HUGE! There was like a mini stair case an everything! I think im in love!! We passed through the mini livingroom and went into the mini game room. It was so amazing! Flatscreens, wii's,games, you name it we had it! The rooms were even more amazing! They were small considering it was still a bus, but hell they were freakin beautimous! Im talking decked out and everything! We are gonna have memories on this bus!

With a little help, we got settled in and we were off to our first concert location! We would make it in about 12 hours, and it was 9 o'clock at night now. Walt and Keisha we're flying there in their private jets(talk about high class).

We all filed into the living room decked out in our pj's and snacks, getting ready to argue over which movie.

Simone: I vote Norbit!

Ray: I vote Bad Grampa!

Prod: I don't want to see no Bad Grampa!

Ray: Nigga fuck yo wants!

Next thing you know, everyone fighting over a damn movie!

YN: You guys.....

Everyone: *still arguing*


Everyone's mouths closed and heads turned towards me.

You sigh

YN: Madea anyone?? *you say with an innocent smile*

Everyone abrupts into laughter. Halfway into the movie you wake up wearily, realizing you dozed off in sleep. Right before you went back to sleep,you realized who you were laying by. He had his arms wrapped firmly around your torso, giving you a strange sense of comfort and security. You slightly smiled, and closed going back to sleep.


I woke up to see YN knocked out on my chest. I chuckled and slowly slid under her, trying not to wake her up. I went up stairs to see the boys playing 2k14 and grabbed a remote.

Prod: if it isn't Mr. We're just friends.

Ray: *laughs* Know his ass want him some YN

Prince: but can't get none

All three of these niggas start crackin up.

Roc: Oh har dee har har. You niggas are so funny i forgot to laugh.

Prince: So you gonna act like we ain't see you and her all lovied up on the couch last night?

Roc: lovied?

Ray:Yes nigga! I bet you my next 2 tacos that they gonna end up together.

Roc: Well i mean....

Ray: Aww shit! My boy finna cuff her up.

Before you could respond, you got a call from Walt.

Phone Convo

Walt: Aye Roc, put me on speaker and go get everyone.

Roc: Alright

You put down the phone and yell for everyone to come see whats up.

Everyone: Whats up Walt?

Walt: Whats up my home skillet biscuits?!?

*awkward silence*

You hear Melissa snatch the phone.

Melissa: Annnnywhoooo, so tonight is your concert. Your opening acts are Jacob Latamore, Diggy, and Rebelle. We start stage rehersals as soon as we walk through the door. After that is the meet and greet, then the concert. Needless to say, its a busy day so be prepared and you guys are here! So when you hang up, get off the bus and meet me inside.

Everyone: Alright.

I hung up and we headed off the bus, enjoying the view. We head inside.
Once we get in, our mouths hit the floor.


Melanie: We are performing here?!

Melissa: Yep! Its pretty big right?

Simone: More like fu-

Prince: Simone!

Simone: fu-reaking huge

Ray:haha, nice save *he says high fiving Simone*

Melissa: Alright, lets go meet your opening acts!

We followed Melissa backstage and went into one of the rooms. Inside there was Diggy, Jacob L, and four girls. Im guessing thats Rebelle.

We walk in and the boys start dapping each other up. Us girls exchanged smiles, breaking the awkward vibes.

Melissa: Girls, this is Rebelle. Rebelle this is Belle Amour. I'll let you guys get to know each other, i'll be back later.

And then she left. So did they boys, to do only God knows what.

So it was just us 8 girls in one room, in an awkward silence. Then one spoke up.

??: Hi, Im Camille this is Kaleigh, Sophie, and Vanessa.

She smiles warmly, and gesture towards each girl.

Camille was light skinned with curly, honey blonde hair and light sandy highlights, she had bold brown eyes and a pretty smile.

The girl Kaleigh was the red head next to her with fierce green eyes that stared at us intensely, as we introduced each other.

Sophie was chocolate brown, with baby brown eyes. She had long, flowy black hair that had brown blonde tips

An lastly, there was Vanessa. She was caramel with light brown hair and blue eyes. She smirked as Kaleigh whispered something in her ear, instantly making me want to believe it was about us

YN : Im YN, and this is Simone, Chanel, and Melanie *i say pointing to each one*

After a few minutes of silence, we finally broke the ice, and started talking about random subjects. We we're interrupted, by the sound of the boys running up and down the hall.


You open the door, only to get a nerf dart smack you across the forehead.

Yn: Ouuuuch!

Diggy: My bad- YN!!

He came and gave you a big hug. He and I haven't spoken since his party due to all the fuckery in my life (aka Austin)

We chatted it up, until i saw Roc come down the hall, instantly making me smile. We gotten so close since- wtf?

I look back at him to see Vanessa laughing and touching him-- the flirty laughing touching.


Maybe im overreacting. I mean we aren't even dating.

Just talking as friends

talking as friends

as friends


----------------------------------------------Weird chapter, i know! But don't worry, it only gets crazier from here. Expect it. Soooo, so sorry it took forever to update. Had so much going on, but anywhooo! Vote & comment, you know the drill, lol. Love you guys!

~Angel Bria

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