Ch. 16 A Bittersweet Moment

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(Roc's POV)


From how she was looking when she came in, i knew it must've been a long night for her so i decided not to question it till the morning.

I carried her bridal style to her bed. You laid her down and sat beside her.

YN:*smiles and laughs weakly* Aww, Chresanto Romelo August is being a widdle sweetheart

Roc: *chuckles* So you still haven't learned about calling me by my real name, huh?


You and YN are both 5 years old playing tag.

YN: tag, your it Chresanto!

Roc: my name isn't no Chresanto, im Roc

YN: No its not, Chresanto

Roc: Stop calling me that!

YN: Chresanto, Chresanto, CHRESANTOOOO *she sings in her babyish voice*


YN covers her mouth and points at you.

YN: Hoe!

Roc: Slut

YN: Nig-



Roc's Mom:*points* UPSTAIRS, NOW!

The two of you got your first spanking together that day

End of flashback

YN: *bites her lip and holds her stomach trying not to laugh*

The two of you burst into laughter.

After you finished laughing you look back at her.

YN: *sighs* I missed this.

Roc: Me too

YN:*kisses her teeth and rolls her eyes* Nuh uh!

Roc: Yes huh!

YN: mhm, whatever!

Roc: don't "whatever" me *you says mimicking her voice*

YN:*laughs* What! Ever since you got a "girlfriend" you've been acting all salty!

Roc: *laughs* I never understood why you two hate each other.

YN: *sighs* i don't hate her, don't particularly like her, but i don't hate her.

Roc: Well can you particularly try to get along with her. She's cool once you get to know her. Please *you say giving her the best puppy dog face you know she can't say no too*


YN:*rolls your eyes and huffs* Fiine

He is sooo......ugh! He better be lucky i care about his ass cause im not looking forward to hanging around little Ms. IHaveABunchOfSmartassComments

He smiles this big ass grin that is madly adorab- funny, i said funny.

You roll your eyes and began to feel you eyelids get heavy. He laughs, and begins turing off the lights.

Roc: Goodnight YN

You hear him chuckle and close the door before you drift off to sleep.

Next day

I wake up and put on my fluffy socks to go downstairs. I see Simone, Chanel, and Melanie talking and laughing. As soon as they see me they stop.

Chanel: ...we'll be in the other room *grabs Melanie's arm and goes*

Its just you and Simone munching on cereal, by the look on her face you realize she's still upset from last night.

YN: Um, where's the boys?

Simone: ...Sleep.

Youch. She really is pissed.

That awkward silence falls over you two.

YN: Simone, Im sorry about last night. I was just.. Upset and I lashed out on you.

She stops eating and look you.

Simone: *sighs* I forgive you, but you could have told me you didn't wanna talk instead of going complete bitch mode.

YN: *laughs a little* I know, and im sorry, i just didn't want you worried.

Simone: I was much more than worried. What in the hell happened?

YN: Its a lonnnnng sto-

Before you can finish, the doorbell rings.

You open the door and look down to find a huge bouquet of roses and a teddy bear. You pick up the bear and look at the note attached.


I am so sorry for the way i hurt you. I don't know what's wrong with me, i promise i'll never let it happen again. I love you with all my heart. I wanna make it up to you, tonight at my place. In the back of this bear you will find a 1000$ gift card to the mall. Spend it on whatever you like. I love you and i can't wait to see you tonight.


I was in utter shock reading this. My head began pounding. He loves me? I thought that ended when he nearly slapped my head out of place. I felt my hands begin to shake. Why am i nervous?? Oh riight, because he freakin hit me! I kept telling myself. I sighed as i carried my gifts up to my room. As i walked in Roc was sitting in one of my chairs.

Roc: Let's talk about last night

Oh fucking great.

What do you think YN should do?? Should she go? She she tell Roc and the crew? Comment and vote!

~Angel Bria

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