Ch. 35 Twisted

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Before i start the chapter, let me just touch on this subject really quick. To those that support me in this book, which is my first book ever, THANK YOU. I appreciate your love, votes and hilarious comments. But for the ones that have something negative to say, not trying to be bluntly rude, but please do me a favor and just exit the hell out my book. I've been overlooking this for a while now, but now im so tired of it. Its a little annoying and DISCOURAGING to see someone post petty things on stuff that i do for peoples enjoyment. I understand you may not be one of the ones to enjoy my book, but don't screw it up for the one's who do. If you don't have any constructive criticism or anything positive to say, then don't post that stuff in my comments. I read every one of them. The only negativity i will actually accept is when you guys go off on a character in the book (which your comments are actually hilarious btw) but like i said, im not trying to be rude, but im just trying to inform the ones that are doing it, that its not cool and it makes me upset. And keep in mind this is my FIRST. BOOK. EVER. Im not gonna have everything perfect, so bare with me or go find entertainment elsewhere. Now... Lets leave that behind us and enjoy the freakin chapter!

Chres POV


I pulled back from her lips, pushing her back a little.

"Dammit" I said wiping my lips "we shouldn't have done that"

She sighed. "I know". She looked like she understood, but i knew I hurt her feelings. I gave her a hug,
And she smiled.

"Still cool right?" I asked. "Yeah dumbass" she said punching me in the arm.

We laughed, as we walked down the hall way back into the main room.

"Shit, I forgot my bracelets in your room, be right back" she said before walking back in to my room.


I ran back into his room and pulled out my cellphone. After a few rings, she picked up the phone.

"What?" she answered with an attitude. " Bitch, don't start. did you get the damn video you wanted?"

She laughed, " Yes, great tongue action by the way. YN definetly enjoyed the view."

"You are so damn evil, it makes no sense. You obviously tortured her enough, let her go"

She chuckled, "Only I call the shots, but if you wanna help you know where to find me."

I sarcasticly laughed,"I'll pass. Now tell me where this damn video camera is before Roc finds it.

As she told me where it was, I hung up the phone, and turned off the video camera. Now I know what you're thinking. how the hell can I be helping this hoe with her plan to hurt Yn? Well, that wasn't my intentions. I guess, since im confessing all this shit to you, I'll start from the beginning

Remember when Yn and I were arguing, and I said the reason I came back was because Marcus was after our asses?( Ch. 31) Yeah, well that was a lie. i just told Yn that, so she wouldn't know the real reason why I came. I can't elaborate right now, but just know that this is what best right now.

I walked into the livingroom and saw everyone in a panic.

"What the hell is going on?" I semi yelled

Roc faced me with a hardened look "Yn's gone."


I can't tell whether my eyes are watery from crying, or if im drifting in and out of consciousness. I feel like i've been here for weeks, but its only been hours. Yet, no one has found me. How the hell do you not notice, that a celebrity is missing? Then again, am I really a celebrity?

Sure i've spent countless hours in the studio, danced my ass off at rehearsals, and even performed at concerts. But am I even important? I feel like somethings missing. And it might just be my sanity, from being in this confined space with these monsters.

Jessica entered the room and sat right in front of me.

"What is the point in this? Huh? You're just gonna keep me here till I rot? It already smells like forty ounces of bounce that ass in here anyways." I said

She then laughed, "I've always admired your humor, but since you're so interested, let me tell you a story" she said with a slight smirk.

Whew, okay guys. I just wanted to say beside the rant i had earlier, you guys have been so supportive! Like seriously, i promise you i read every comment and almost laugh ass off at them! I wish I could respond to all of them, but i cant . Love you guys!
~Angel Bria

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