Ch. 26 Old Friends.

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I roll my eyes and begin to turn around, before i realize something.

Vanessa is in the other room along with the other girls.

So the question is...

Who is this chick?

Your thought process was cut off when you heard Roc call your name.

Roc: YN!

You walk over to him and the girl

YN: What R-

Your eyes go wide for moment

That face. I know her.

YN: Desiree??

OH my gosh she's really here You thought.

You and Desiree go waay back. Chresanto was your boy bestfriend and she was your girl bestfriend.More like your sister since pre-k,you three of you were inseparable.Up untill you were starting highschool, which was when she got caught up with the wrong.. people and started doing some.. stuff. She started acting more and more different. You and her talked less and less untill it was there was just no more conversations between the two of you. Thats when Chres started doing MB. Then, you were doing Belle Amour. Next thing you know, you and Chres stopped talking and Desiree moved away. Now look at the three of you..

Desiree: YN, long time no see huh *she says with a smile*

You just stood there in awe

Roc: I'll let you two catch up, come get me if you need anything Des *he says jogging to one of the dressing rooms*

And then there was just you two....

She looked exactly the same, but so different.

She now had long brown hair, no braces, a nose piercing, and style to die for.

She actually looked really good.

Desiree: Well don't just stand there, say something!

You were at a loss for words. So many things ran through your mind.

What happened to her?

What made her come back?

Why is she here?

YN: Its been awhile.....

Des: I know! I changed my hair, got my braces off, and-

YN: How..... could you just... leave like that, then..... up?! *you say loud and irritated*

Her eyes go wide in shock.

Des: YN-

YN: Don't even! You think you can't just waltz in here, after all these years and try to talk to me?! After what you-

She covered your mouth and dragged you into a room.

Des: What in the hell is your problem?! *she whisper yelled*

YN: Me?! Im not the one who caused a shitload of trouble, then up and left the only people who actually cared about you! * you whisper yelled back*

Des: Why are you still on the past?! I've moved on, so should you. Chres clearly has.

YN: oh, cut the bullshit Des. Your past almost fucked up my future. Chres doesn't know half of the shit i know that you did.

Des: ....

You raised your eyebrows in surprise.

YN: You never even told him anything, did you?

After a long silence, she looked away and shook her head.

YN: Nice

You say sarcastically, as you exit the room you were both in and go get dressed for the meet and greet.

As we take a seat in the chairs, fans begin to swarm around us, screaming and calling out names.

When we began signing pictures and album covers, Roc, who was sitting beside me, began to speak.

Roc: You looked... pretty shocked to see Desiree, huh?

*you mentally roll your eyes* A little more than shocked i'd say

YN: Uhh... yeah.

Then you decided to ask

YN: Are you two close now?

The thought of Desiree being back, gave me a sharp sting in my body. The past was really catching up to us now. Just thinking of them being back close just... just gives me a burning sensation.

Roc: Uhhhh... yeah, i guess so. But relax, its not what you think.

You scoff

There goes that burning sensation

YN:What do i think then? *you say a little agitated*

Roc: That we have something going on

YN: i don't care what you and her have going on

Roc: okay. okay. No need to be jealous. *he says with a slight grin*

Oh pleeeaaaaaaaaaase. Please tell me he did not just say I'm the 'J' word.

YN: Jealous?? Of what?! *you say angrily scribbling your name on the cd cover*

Roc: i dunno, you tell me? *he says with a slight grin*

You roll your eyes.

He really want's to see me beat his ass in front of this crowd. Because my old bestfriend, that went MIA for years leaving her lies and dirty little secrets, is back, that makes me jealous??

Yet he doesn't even know the half of what i know.. actually none.

Oh right. And I'm jealous.

More like pissed.

If he actually thinks, im jelous of their little "whatever", he's got another thing coming.

YN: Im not jealous, Roc.

Roc: Good, cause she's coming with us for the tour.

Whoop dee fucking doo🎉

Oooh. Lol. So how was this chapter? What do you think Desiree could have done?? Comment and tell me! Vote! And thank you guys so much for being great readers! I love your comments! Keep them up, pretty please! Thanks! I love you guys! And keep reading! It only gets better from here! (Oh and BTWs i actually like Desiree in real life lol , just a geewiz fact)

~Angel Bria

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