Ch. 31 Captain Save A Hoe

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Yn: What the hell is going on?!

Her foot tapped violently against floor, as she folded her arm and cocked her eyebrow, looking at us sternly.

Des: Yn-

Yn put her hand, up cutting her off

Yn: Don't talk to me you backstabbing bitch. Do you enjoy constantly screwing with my life? Putting me in positions that me me look like a dumbass?! Is this funny to you?!

Desiree's shocked face turned into straight anger, as she stepped up to Yn.

Des: You know what I think is funny? That you are always playing victim. Poor Yn this, Poor Yn that. Bitch you think you the only one thats been hurt?! Think aga-

I watched as Yn's hand connected with Desiree's face, only to make Desiree slap her back. Next thing you know, Yn tackles her to the ground and they are full out fist fighting.

Desiree yanks Yn's hair, rolling on top of her

Des: Stupid bitch!

Yn rolls herself on top of Des, practically chocking her

Yn: Im stupid? Bitch look at where you are!

They both begin swinging at each other, each getting a few hits in. When I pulled them away from one another, they each had torn clothes, messed up hair, scratches & bruises, you name it.

After a few minutes of silence and heavy breathing, Roc asked

Roc: What the fuck is wrong with you two?!

Yn: Why?

Desiree huffed, and rolled her eyes

Des: Why what Yn? You attacked me!

Yn: Why are you here?! It took me forever to finally get over you and your bullshit, then you just pop up again out of nowhere?! What the hell do you think this is Desiree?! Some game? Cause I assure you, this isnt fucking funny!

Des exhales deeply, and pinches the bridge of her nose.

Des: Yn, its not that simple-

Roc: Wait, whatchu mean by all this? What am I missing.

YN shifted he weight onto her hip and glared at Des.

Yn: You gonna tell him or what? * she spat*

Desiree rolled her eyes.

Des: Back when.. Back when we were dating, I did.. Alot. When I said I was hanging out with Yn, most of the time I was at parties getting waisted or high. I used to drag Yn with me, just to get her to loosen up and relax, and for that Yn Im sorry.

Yn: Sorry? Sorry?! You weren't sorry when you left me with Marcus!

Des: Left you with Marcus? What are you talk about?!

Roc: Who the hell is Marcus?

Yn: You knew damn well that when you got out that car, you were leaving me!

Des: What? Left you? What the hell are you talking about!

Yn: Don't play dumb! You left me alone in a car with a complete stranger! When i was only fifteen! Fifteen dammit!!

Des: The fuck Yn?! I don't know what kind of bullshit you were told, but i never left you! I was trying to protect you!

Yn: Protect me?!

Des: Yes bitch! He was trying to use you for sex and I told him that no! Because i knew you were and never will be able to handle that type of life! I do try to protect you too Yn! It isn't just the other way around!!

Yn: Newsflash Des! Half of the times you are trying to 'protect' me, it was you who cause the problems in the first place!!

Des: For the billionth time Yn! I know I made dumbass decisions back then, but you don't know half of the shit I've gone through these past few years!

Yn: Like what?! You don't know half the shit I went through! Like the fact that i was almost raped by the guy you cheated on Roc with!

Roc: The fuck?!

Des: We have much bigger problems to deal with!


Des: LIKE THE FACT THAT MARCUS IS AFTER OUR ASSES!! There! That why I came on the mothafucking tour!
But you want me to leave?! Fine. I'll leave!

She stormed towards the door, and when she opened it, my mouth dropped.

Roc: Jessica?!


After Chres angrily stormed the room, i was left alone with this hoe.

Jess: Yn please just-

Se was cut off by my closing the door, but she quickly put her foot in the crack.

Jess: Yn, please hear me out!

She stood in front of me, blocking my attempts to leave. She looked badly beaten, and tired. I almost felt bad... Almost.

Yn: What? *you spat*

Jess: Please help me! *she said in one the verge of tears*

Yn:With what?

Jess: Austin!*she sobbed* H-He beats me, and calls me all kinds of things. He always says he doesn't give two shits about m-me. He even s-says he loves you and not me! He adores you. He watches you on tv and tell me I need to be more like you! *she wailed* T-Then he told me to get out, and come back when I found you and b-begged you to t-talk to him. Please, Please talk to him!

I was between a rock and a hard place.

Yn: I'm not sure I-

Jess: Please! *she begged* He'll kill me if you don't come! Please help me!

I felt numb. If i went, I would be sacrificing my happiness for jessica's life and Austin whom of which I haven't and didn't plan on seeing again. But if i stated, Austin would be enraged and Jessica would probably get killed by his fits. *sigh* I know what i gotta do.

Yn: I'll go.







I put my over night bag in her trunk, considering we are a whole two states away for Los Angeles. Since I made this last minute and blunt decision , I decided not to tell anyone where i was headed.I don't wanna remind myself of it.Even though I don't like Jessica, I really felt her pain in this situation, considering i've been in her place. But if she would have just stopped being a hoe an going after everyone's man, she wouldn't be in such a bad position. Ugh, well I guess Im Captain Save A Hoe.

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