Ch. 33 Cheaters Never Win

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As my eyes slowly began to open, i was bewildered at my surroundings.


As my heart raced a mile a minute i realized i was laying down, my feet and wrists bound, and the faint noise of cars passing by. Putting two and two together, I realised I was in the back of a trunk. Jessica's trunk to be exact. The excruciating pain in my neck confirmed it all, she drugged me.

But why? After all, im saving her ass by coming down here. Or was that a lie. Was this whole thing just one damn lie? Fuck her and her lies.

My angry thoughts were subsided by the trunk being opened. before i could react i was jerked out of the trunk dragged out of the sunlight into a poorly lit house. From what I could see, the house was completely unfamiliar, so it definately wasn't Austin's. Without any warning, i was yanked into one of the back rooms, and tied to a chair with my wrists bound. It was like my life was turning into one of those fucked up horror movies.

"If you scream, they'll be hell to pay" Jessica says bluntly

You laughed coldly " Bitch, you are sooo lucky my hands are tied"

she gave you a viscious smile, and strutted out of the room, slamming the door behind her

As i sat there, contemplating on whether or not to scream, the door abruptly opened pushing what looked like a body into the room, making it fall to the floor.

Lord please don't let that be a dead body i thought

After a few quick glances at the figure, something became noticingly alarming.

That figure is my dad.

Chres POV

Its been a whole day since the blow up between me, Desiree, and Yn. Considering i was trying to keep everyones anger level to a minimum, I've been avoiding both of them. That is, until Desiree came barging into my room.

"Where in the hell is my shampoo Roc?!"

"What the hell are you talking about Desiree? I've never touched your fucking shampoo"

she sighs " I know, I just needed a reason to yell at you. "

After a minute of silence, you both burst into laughter.

" You stupid as hell"

"Shut up, fuck boy and accept my apology."

You furrowed you eyebrows "What apology?"

"The one im terrible at giving" she whines " you know im bad at apologies!"

You chuckle at her whining "As amusing as it would be to get one,im not the one you should be apologizing to"

she raises her eyebrows, and rolls her eyes "Then who is supposed to be getting one, cause i know Yn sure as hell ain't getting one"

you raise your eyebrows "And why not"

"Because!" you jump at her sudden outburst "She always does this, points the finger at me and plays the 'im alrighs right and you're always wrong game' she states, crossing her arms and pouting

"Well, maybe she is right" You suggest

She agrily begins throwing pillows at you,tries to leave before you yanked her back by her arm, pulling her in a little too closely.

As if by instinct, she pushed her lips into yours, creating the beginning an intense kiss.


"Daddy! Daddy please! Daddy wake up!" You sobbed, fighting helplessly against the ropes around your wrists.

Your heart drenched in fear that he was gone, until you heard a few muffled groans come from his mouth as he began to stand on his feet.

"Dad!" You said with extreme relief.

He looked in your direction with a look of anger, fear, worry, and sympathy.

"Yn? Niña what are you doing here?"

He was badly beaten, and his voice was hoarse.

"Long story" you mumbled

He walked over to you and began undoing the ropes that bound your wrists.

"Dad, why are you here?" You asked confused

"Does your mom and sister know you're here?" He says dodging the question

"No, but-"

"Give me your phone"

I reached inside of pocket that held my phone, to feel nothing but any empty space. The bitch must've taken during one of my series of knockouts.

"Its gone, she took it"

"Dammit!" He yelled adding a mixture of spanish curse words in between.

As I sat wondering how I got in this predicament, the question dawned on me.

"Dad, how do you know Jessica?"

He hung his head low in shame, as he admitted

"I- I've been having affairs with her"

---------------------------------------------- Woah. Didn't see that one coming. Let me know what you think will happen next, and the closest person will receive a shout out at the end of the next chapter! Vote and comment please!

-Angel Bria

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