Ch. 17 Forgive and Confess

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YN: What do you mean Roc? I already told you, its complicated.

Roc: Just..... Ease my mind, i've been thinking about it all night.

Aww, he was worried about me. You didn't want to lie to him but considering the little gift Austin left, i couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. So lie it is.

You looked at the ground afraid to speak. He lifted your chin, making you two have eye contact

Roc: You know you can tell me anything right?

Aww damn. That face. Those eyes. He was literally walking perfection. I looked back down and smiled a little

YN: *sigh* Yeah. I-

I was cut off by my phone ringing. I pocked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was Austin.

You haven't talked to him since his hand connected with your face so you were at a lost for words.

Phone Convo

YN: ....Hel-

Austin: YN?? H-Hey did you get my present? I am sooo sorry babe, i never meant to hurt you. I love and miss you. And im sorry

You could hear the hurt in his voice everytime he spoke. He really was sorry.

You sigh

YN: It's okay, we can talk tonight over dinner

Austin: Great, i love you babe

YN:i love you too

You smile, hanging up the phone. You look up expecting to see Roc, but he wasn't in the room.

You sigh and walk over to the teddybear, pulling out the gift card.

You walk into the living room where Simone, Mel, and Chanel were and jingled the keys

YN: Shopping anyone??


The four of you hop out the car and head into the mall. You walk into Forever 21. All four of you grab clothes and run to the dressing rooms to try them on.

~5 hours later~

The four of you jog to the car with back to your car with tons of bags.

YN: Ahh, you guys don't know how good it feels to have some girl time!

Mel: Yess! If it isn't the studio, its the sound booth, or relationship problems

Simone: Since we're on the topic, i have something to spill....

YN,Mel&Chanel: What?

Simone: I kinda.....hooked up with Prince.

You pull over onto the side of the road and jerk the car to a stop.


Simone: *holding her hands up in defense* Not a sex hookup! More like a make out in our pajamas hookup *she says blushing*

Chanel: *laughs* should have known!

Mel: Right! All those times she was suddenly "tired" *she says making air quotes*

YN: *smiles and raises an eyebrow* so you weren't gonna inform your twin on this

Simone: well... Im trying to figure out what we are, its like one minute we're making out and the next minute we're-

(Roc's POV)

Prince: just friends. But i really have feelings for her.

I know that feeling. I love Jess and all but, i din't know if we really click. I think i just love her looks.

How did we get on this topic? We don't know. One minute its sports then the next, the four of is are confessing our....feelings.

Prod: *chuckles* Damn yall, we gettin soft.

Ray: Hell naw! Im 2wice as tough as all of yall niggas.

Prod,Roc&Prince:* bursts in laughter. *

Ray: Laugh it up bitches. Thats why yall all sprung.

Roc: shut the hell up Ray, we all know you and Mel be sneaking around behind Kristy(his girlfriend) back!

Ray: *laughs* at least im not Prod and Roc over here*he says pointing to us* who got crushes that already got boyfriends.

Its true. Chanel, Prod's crush, already has a boyfriend. His name is like Nate or something. And my crush, well, we all know who she dating. *cough cough* bitch.


Mel: What about you YN? You haven't said a word about your booooyfriend Austin.

YN: *laughs* We're alright, i guess.

Simone: No, hell no! You gotta spill more than that! We all gave you the DL{down low} on our love lifes!

Its true. So far i learned Simone like Prince Prince likes Simone but no one has made a move, Chanel likes Prod but doesn't know how Prod feels bout her as more than a friend and plus she got a boyfriend, and Mel been doubletiming with Ray even though he already got a girlfriend, that skank Kristy who just so happens to be bestfriends with Jess, and you already know THAT story....

Isn't that a mouthful?

Whew, had to get the details in there so you'll understand when the REAL drama starts to happen🙊. So umm, do you like? I REAAALLY wanna know what you are thinking so comment! Tell me what you think, how you feel, what you think would spice it up, your favorite food, ANYTHING! Spam me, got it? *sigh* until next time, my loves

~Angel Bria

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