Part 4

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While she's on her way to the nurse's station to get her schedule. She was thinking about Dolly's analyzation. She's right if she will continue to work here she will only remember how they took Ryun's heart to transferred to other's body.

She will talk to Ryun's family first before she will give her resignation. Yes, that is right she will resign here and help the ranch. Ryun has taught her before while he was still alive because he told her that they will be going to take over the ranch once they get married.

Ryun only let her study nursing not to work in the hospital but just to let her reach what's her dream. She still can use her profession on the ranch. She can help the vet. That's right. So her profession isn't wasted.

Tomorrow she will tell to Ryun's parents before she will visit him in his graveyard.

She's inspired working her night shift because of the plan that is worthy. She has to thank Dolly for opening her mind.


The next morning she went to Ryun family's manor.

The couple was seated at their favorite place every morning. In the garden at the left side entrance of the manor. That's also their favorite place after dinner. She only sleeps in her parent's house nearby also inside the ranch property but she has her meal at the manor.

"Good morning Daddy, Mommy!" She greeted them as she enters the garden. She used to call them Daddy and Mommy since her parents died. They like it too because they don't have a daughter.

"Good morning Ella, you're early." The woman greeted back.

"I just want to tell you something." She said.

"Come, sit down first and tell us what is it." The man said.

She sat down at the vacant chair around the circular table where the two are having their coffee.

"Have you had your breakfast?" The woman asked.

"Not yet." She replied.

"You need to look after yourself Ella, you've lost weight and I won't be happy for that. You need to eat properly." The woman said. She's been like her mother to her.

"I also eat Mommy." She replied shyly.

"I'll ask the helper to bring out our breakfast here." The man said standing up to get inside the manor.

"So what are you going to tell us?" The woman asked.

"I decided to quit my job and join here." She said.

The woman's eyes widen and she suddenly stood up and hugged her.

"Finally. You came to your senses that this is the place for you. Your Dad will be happy about this. We're getting old Ella and no one will be going to manage the ranch now that Ryun's gone. We've been praying for this that you'll change your mind and continue what we have started." The woman said with a teary-eyed. She's still hugging Ella's from the back.

"My friend Dolly have opened my eyes last night. She was right when she told me that I'm better off to the hospital because that place will only remind me that Ryun's heart was been transferred to another's body, but here, we have good memories here to cherish." She said.

"That's great, thanks to your friend who's the key to opened your closed mind for three months." The woman replied with a little humor in her voice.

The man entered in the garden area with a two helper in tow holding each tray of foods.

"Seems that the two of you feeling cold?" He said chuckling.

"I'm just happy that finally, Ella has decided to join us here. She will resign from her job and take over the ranch." The woman told her husband.

"Great! Finally. Don't worry we are here to guide you though we know that you're capable of doing it. Ryun has told us that most ideas come from you before. You're the one thinking for him every time we asked him for an opinion." The man said.

She thought that they are only discussing something for the ranch, she doesn't know that Ryun's parents actually asking him and he asked her too. Her answers will be given to his parents.

"You just didn't know. Ryun is lazy to think about ideas for the ranch that's why he is better to join the competition rather than working his gut here in the ranch." The man added.

"That's right, every time we asked him, he will not give us his reply only the following day. We thought that he has grown interested in managing our ranch because we like his ideas, but he told us that's it's your ideas and not him." The woman supplied.

"I'm glad that my ideas are acceptable." She said. Actually, they applied all her suggestions about the ranch.

"Of course, this ranch has grown even more because of your ideas." The man said.

"And we are confident that this ranch will grow more if you will be here to look after it." The woman said.

"I'm willing to take the challenge Mom." She replied.

"That's my girl. You're the daughter that I never had." The woman said.

"The feeling is mutual. You two became my parents since I've lost mine." She said.

"Your parents are the best worker we had here even my parents love them." The man replied.

"Why don't we eat first?" The woman said.

"Say the grace, Ella." The man told her.

She said the grace before the meal and the three of them eat their breakfast silently.

After eating she left to come home first, she has to make her resignation letter first. Then after she finished it and have printed it, she put in the envelope and put inside her handbag. She came out to her garden and picked some flower to bring to Ryun's grave. She's a little late today but doesn't matter she will have time more after she resigned.

"Good morning Miss!" Greeted the old man in the graveyard.

"Good morning too." She greeted him back the old man.

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