Part 19

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She finally finished feeding him. Yeah, she feeds him the entire food because if not he's not going to finish it. Like her mom did before when she was small, she will feed her so she will finish. She applied it to him today. She laughing out loud inside her mind because she made it him to finish the food.

After cleaning up and a little rest they walked up the hill, it will be the right time to get there to meet the new guest. The next arrival of the guest is around 5 so they will be able to join them later. She already instructed the receptionist to call the other worker to bring them inside the ranch.

"I will gonna miss this." He said as they going up the hill.

"You can come anytime if you want. As long as there's a vacant cabin you can come." She replied.

"I know, what I mean is--- us like this. And I will miss my momma feeding me frittata." He said chuckling.

"Because if I won't feed you-you will not finish it." She said glaring at him but her lips are smiling.

They are almost at the cabin where she brought the new guest this morning. Only a few meters away.

They are having some fun she thought.

"Hubert don't do that it's ticklish." Screaming the woman but laughing.

"Hey, you're a scandalous woman. I will do more than that sweetheart." The man said.

"I think I'll come back later." She said.

"Do you know their name?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" She asked him back.

"What's their name?" He asked him but his eyes are not at her but in the cabin.

"The man is Hubert and the woman is Candice." She replied.

"You can knock the door. They know that you're coming." He said not leaving his gaze at the cabin.

"Okay." She replied and walked towards the door and knock.

He's standing behind her.

"Coming." That's the woman's voice.

The door opened. The woman in front of them has messy hair seems like she just woke up. Her clothes aren't button up, she only grabbed it with her hands. Her wide smile became horrified. She's staring at the man behind her.

"A-arvell?" She's said stammering. She noticed that her color changed. She's pale like she saw a ghost.

She knows Arvell, who is she?

"Candice, well glad to see you here," Arvell replied in a normal tone.

"Sweetheart, is that Ella?" The man asked from the bathroom.

The man came out from the bathroom half naked and walked towards them.

"Hi Ella, come in. Oh, you have someone with you. Hi, I'm Hubert. Come in." The man said extending his hand to Arvell.

Arvell took it and they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Hubert, I'm Arvell." He replied.

"I guess we have to get ready now. Candice let's get ready so Ella and Arvell will give us a tour." Hubert said pulling the woman in her arms.

"We'll wait for you outside." She told them and she turned to walk to the bench outside the cabin. All the cabins have benches for them to just sit there.

She sat down and he followed.

"Do you know them? I mean the woman because obviously, the man doesn't know you." She asked.

"Yes, I knew her all my life, in fact, she's my fiancée." He replied.

She covered her mouth in surprise. She looked at him. How could she cheat on him?

"Arvell, I'm sorry." She said, she doesn't know what to say. She wants to hug him and comfort him.

"Don't be silly, she's the one cheated on me, not you." He replied.

"I know, but honestly are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, it's good that I know before we got married." He replied.

"You're not hurt?" She asked.

"Maybe my ego." He replied.

"Too bad." She just said.

After some time the Hubert came out and he's walking towards where they were seated.

"I'm so sorry Ella, we can't have a tour. Candice is not feeling well. Maybe tomorrow we can." He said.

"Oh, it's okay you have our office number just call us and we can arrange it again." She replied.

"Thanks. I'll let you know tomorrow." He said.

"You're welcome, you can find our services in your brochure at the cabin. Feel free to contact any one of us." She replied.

"Thank you I will do that. " He replied.

"Well, we have to go now. Hope Candice will feel Bette soon." She said.

"Hope so too. Nice to meet you both. See you around when Candice feeling better." Hubert said.

"See you around Hubert," Arvell replied.

The two of them walk back down.

"So?" She tried to open a conversation because he became so quiet since they left the cabin. Now they are in front of his cabin he still didn't speak.

She asked herself. What can cause a woman to cheat to her fiancé? She can't afford to cheat Ryun. Maybe even she doesn't love him she will not cheat. She will talk to him and tell him what's her feeling. But she loves

Obviously, Arvell didn't know that his fiancée has cheated on him.

She glanced at him who's now making a cup of tea.

"Would you like some?" He asked without looking at him.

"Yes please thank you!" She replied and she sat down to the chair where she was seated this morning.

He works in ease like he didn't really care about what he discovered just a few minutes ago.

He put down the two cups of tea in the table and pulled a chair to sit on too.

"Don't look at me like that, honestly I'm fine okay." He said staring at her.

"Seriously after what you've learned you're okay?" She said in disbelief.

"Yes, besides I'm not so sure if I will still gonna love her the same after my---" He stopped suddenly what he's going to say.

"After your what?" She asked curiously.

"After what I saw." He said firmly.

What else she could say. Nothing. She assessing him like she wanted to dive into the depth of his thoughts, of his feeling.

"There you go again with that look." He said staring back at her.

"Okay, fine if you're okay then that's good. Do you want to go with me to tour the new guest? They will be here soon." She asked.

"That will be a good idea rather than staying here alone." He replied.

She drinks the tea he prepared and soon after the bunch of new guests arrived.

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