Part 9

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He found the ranch easily because of the sign from the main road. It's not that far only few minutes away from the chaos city. The moment he entered the road that leads to the ranch, his heart beats too fast. Excitement. Anticipation. It feels like coming home.

He stopped the car when he saw a native cottage. Maybe not a cottage it seems like an office. There's an elderly man seated outside of the not so big cottage and there's a lady inside. He could see that she's on the phone.

"Hello! Are the Farlow here?" He asked the man.

"Wait for a second, you can ask that lady there." The man replied pointed the woman at the room who's still talking on the phone.

He came out from his car and walked over to the window so he could ask the woman. The moment the woman ended the call he speaks.

"Hi, I just want to know if the Farlow are here?" He asked.

The womam stared a little longer before she replied. Well, he knows that already, it's not new to him. When the woman stared and not saying anything or some girls screaming. But he's been faithful to Candice. He's proud of that, though he has many opportunities he never takes advantage of it. He is more focused on their business rather than playing with women.

"Yes?" Finally, the woman has found her word. He laughs inside.

"I wanted to know if the Farlow is here." He repeated.

"Do you have an appointment with them?" She asked.

"No, I just want to see them for some important matter." He replied.

"May I know your name please?" She asked.

"Arvell Cornwell." He replied that made her jaw dropped.

"I'll call them, just wait a second." She said when she have gathered herself for the second time.

He heard her talking on the phone, she mentioned his name to the person she's talking to.

"You can go to the manor, they're waiting for you. Just drive straight." The woman said instructed him.

"Thank you!" He said, he waved to the man sitting at the chair outside the office. Maybe he's the guard he thought.

He turned on the engine of his car and drive through, he road that leads to the manor. He noticed that there's a road turning right, but the woman said drive straight. Maybe that road leads to the ranch.

Few meters away he could see the big mansion, that's the manor. He's about to park his car outside the gate but the gate opened. He saw a man standing at the veranda waving his hand motioning to get in.

He drives inside and parks his car a little farther from the driveway. He got came out of his car after he turned off the engine.

"Good morning Mr. Farlow, Mrs. Farlow!" He greeted the couple. His heart is having a giddyup. It's like coming home. He wanted to run and hugged them.

"Good morning Mr. Cornwell! Seems that you're tired in the city life?" Replied Mr. Farlow.

"Actually you're right, this is a nice place here." He replied walking towards them. He Shook's hands with them, but his heart really wants to hug them.

"Have a seat first. What do you prefer coffee or tea?" Asked Mrs. Farlow.

"Coffee please, dark with just a teaspoon of sugar." He said. That look on the woman's face didn't escape in his vision.

"Okay, I'll get your coffee." Mrs. Farlow said and she turned to leave.

"So what made you come and visit our place. It's unusual for someone who's busy as you are?" Asked Mr. Farlow. He's direct kind of person.

"I don't know where or how should I start this. But all I want is to have some peace. Because of the new heart in my chest, I'm having dreams and visions that I never had before." He said.

"Wait! You have Ryun's heart?" Mr. Farlow cur him for what he's going to say next.

He nodded. And the man hugged him, crying. He doesn't know but he cried with him.

"What's happening?" Mrs. Farlow asked confused. She put down the tray of his coffee on the coffee table.

"Sandy, Ryun's is in him." Mr. Farlow answered his wife's question.

Mrs. Farlow covered her mouth. In shocked. Her tears are freely rushing down her cheeks. He moved towards her and hugged her. He felt that he belongs there, with them. Mrs. Farlow cried in his arms.

After the emotional meeting, they talked about Ryun's life. About his fiancée. About everything.

"Can we just keep it to us first. Don't tell Ella about this. It's still painful to her losing our son. He's her everything and we tried our best to heal her." Mrs. Farlow told him holding his hand.

"No problem Mrs. Farlow. I understand. I think I want to stay in this place." He replied.

"There's a vacant cabin near the creek if you want." Mr. Farlow said.

"I like that, I haven't been in this kind of place since I was 10." He said.

"Then come back tomorrow if you want. That will be good for you. Peace and quiet place." Mrs. Farlow added.

"I'll accept it. I'll come back." He replied.

"Your heart has influenced you this much?" Mr. Farlow asked.

"I guess so because even the foods I didn't eat became my favorite." He replied smiling.

"How about Ella, did it come to your mind, I mean did your heart reminds you of her?" Mrs. Farlow asked.

"Yes, even while I'm still at the hospital, when I woke up I was looking for her. She's in my dream always. That's why I did a research on how to find who's my donor. Hoping, that my dreams will go now that I have met you." He replied.

"Well, let's hope for the peace for your mind that you know what kind of life your donor had." Mrs. Farlow said.

"I really hope so. So I can plan our wedding. My fiancée has been waiting for me for a long time already." He replied.

"It was supposed to be your engagement party when you were shot right?" Mr. Farlow asked.

"Yes, I was about to cross the road to the party when I was hit by that stray bullet." He replied.

So many 'what ifs' he have asked in his mind about that event. But all he could think is that he should be thankful that God has given him a new life.

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