Part 12

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He can't stay talking with his fiancee so he told her that he needed some rest because he doesn't have enough sleep during night time because of his weird dreams. His fiancée though wasn't happy leaving yet she left. When she's gone he drive out to the nearest supermarket to buy the things he needed for his little vacation.

He just left them in the car. So the next day he will just carry his duffle bag. He packed his clothes and his medicine. He must not forget it because his life depending on it. It's his new heart supplement. He checks them all if it's still complete because if it's not he can call his doctor and ask to send him. He has enough of all the vitamins and minerals he needed.

Last night is the first time after three months he didn't have his weird dream. What does that mean? After seeing the family of his heart donor he didn't have the kind of dream for the first time in three months.

He got up early, earlier than his alarm. He took a quick shower and get changed. He need to call his parents, he has to tell them that he will take a vacation so they will send someone to look after his house while he's gone.

"Hello!" That's his dad's groggy voice.

"Morning Dad. I'll take a week vacation, can you please tell mom to visit my house while I'm gone." He said.

"Vacation where? And when?" His Dad asked.

"Somewhere in the ranch here, the Farlow creek ranch, do you know that right? I'm going today." He replied.

"Yes, I know that that's the biggest ranch here. How long will you go to stay there? Do you have enough medicine?" His father asked.

"Yes, I have enough, and it's not very far if I needed more. I can ask my doctor and he can send it to me. I'm not sure how long I'm going to stay there. Depends if it's good, I think I'll stay a little longer." He replied.

"What about Candice, have you two discuss about your wedding yet? You've been out of the hospital for over three months by now. You two must talk about it. She's been patiently waiting for you Arvell." Reminded his father.

"I'll talk about that when I come back. I just need some time for my self this time." He said.

"Did you tell her that you're going for vacation?" His father asked.

"No, she's been here yesterday and I think she needed some time for herself too." He replied.

"Why you didn't tell her about your plan?" His father asked.

"No need Dad, she knows why I didn't." He replied.

"What do you mean she knows, you didn't even tell her?" Asked his father.

"Dad, I'll talk to you when I get back, I have to go now. Tell mom to send someone to look after my house." He said. He doesn't want to go further in their conversation.

"Just reminding you Arvell, that while Candice still can wait." His father said.

"I know Dad, I have to go now. Tell Mom okay. Bye." He said and ended the call.

He put back his phone in his pocket. He picked up his duffle bag and came out of the house towards his car. He put his duffle back at the passenger's seat at the back. And walked to the driver's seat. Turned on the engine and drove off. He's excited to be there. Like he wants to fly his car to be there.

He smiled at himself. He can't remember when was the last time he felt the excitement for something. What he has received in his life was already known to him. There's nothing new in it. That's the kind of life he grew up with.

Now is different. His trip to his little vacation is new. Well, of course, he had once had it but is was too many many years ago already. That was his worst experience.

Leading the road to the ranch made him more excited. 'Almost there' he whispered.

Passing the information office he just waved at them. He told them yesterday that he's coming back. The man seated outside recognized him as well as the woman.

"Welcome back boss." Shouted the man seated at the chair outside.

He just waved his hand and continue driving towards the manor.

Someone might have seen him coming because the moment he emerged from his car and find the door bell the gate opened. He saw Mr. Farlow seated at the coffee table in the veranda. His wife joined him too.
He saw her car parked at the left corner of the driveway. That means she just came back from somewhere or she usually parks the car there?

He walked towards the Farlow.

"Good morning. Mr. Farlow, Mrs. Farlow!" He greeted them.

"Good morning  Arvell, you're early." Mr. Farlow said.

"Good morning Arvell, just call me Sandy." Mrs. Farlow told him.

"If that's what you prefer Mrs. Far--- I mean Sandy." He replied.

"If she's Sandy then I'll prefer Garreth." Mr. Farlow said.

"Okay, Garreth then." He said smiling.

Actually, it feels good just calling them with their names.

"Good morning!" She came out suddenly and greeted for the three of them.

"Good morning!" Garreth and he replied in unison.

"Good morning  Ella! Martha told us that you went out early this morning." Said Sandy to her.

"Yes, I visit Ryun first because I don't know if I will have enough time to visit him today." She replied.

"Very lucky guy." He replied. That's what he wants to know yesterday from Candice. What if he's the one buried and not Ryun, will she do the same thing like Ella doing for her lost fiancé?

She just smiled at him. She's so sweet.

"So are you ready to see your temporary haven?" She asked him.

He said 'Yes' and he asked if he can bring his car. She told him that he can bring his car because there's a road all the way to the cabins.

She asked if he packed his things too. When he said yes.

"Great! Okay, let's go. Meet me outside the gate." She said and turn towards the back side. What is she doing there he thought.

"Sure, Garreth, Sandy I'll see you around I'll wait for her outside." He told the couple and went outside.

He will wait for her in his car.

After awhile he saw her riding on the horse coming towards him. His heartfelt proud seeing her on the horse. She's beautiful. He's in awe of her.

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