Part 25

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Ella and the team finally helped the new mama cow in cleaning her newborn calf. Both are doing fine so she decided to come back to the manor.

"Ella! Finally, you came. Where have you been?" Greeted Sandy Farlow.

"Hello Mom, we are helping the heifer giving birth. It's fine now, both are in good health." She said. She wants to hug the woman but she's grimy.

"I thought you went to graveyard again. I'm worried that you forgot what happened to the young woman who was raped because of her frequent visit to her boyfriend's graveyard. Even you spend your whole life staying there. Ryun will never come back to life. Ella, I don't want you to stop living because of whatever you promised to him. You are young. You have a beautiful life ahead of you. Not buried with Ryun, remember that. By the way, since we are here, we want you to take your vacation too. We booked your ticket to Italy. The hotel where we stayed we reserved it for you." Sandy told her.

She just like a deer caught in the headlights. She's not prepared to go out of the country. She never experienced it even when Ryun was still alive. She renewed her passport twice but yet she never had the opportunity to use it.

"There you are Ella, your Mom thought you went out to visit Ryun's grave again." That's Garreth Farlow, he's talking while walking down the stairs.

"Hi Daddy, no we just helped the heifer giving birth." She replied.

"That's good. Did your Mom told you that you're going to Italy tomorrow?" Garreth asked.

"I just told her," Sandy replied to her husband.

"Great, you better take a shower and have your dinner. Sleep early so we will send you to the airport tomorrow morning. Your flight is at 10 am. Don't worry about your things. Martha packed already." Sandy said.

She tried to grasp what the Farlow was saying. They didn't even consult her. She stared at both of them.

"I know Ella, we shouldn't decide it without asking you. But we know that if we will ask you, you won't agree. Believe us, you need this vacation." Garreth said.

"That's true, you need to relax
You forced us to take our vacation and we believed you. See. We followed your advice. Now it's our turn to force you to take your vacation. Believe us you will enjoy it as much as we do. Thanks to you." Garreth continues grinning.

"Don't worry, you will love the place, the hotel staffs are friendly and even the people there. You will be fine. You will love it too." Sandy seconded her husband.

"For how many days?" She asked.

"Two weeks." Daddy Garreth replied.

"Two weeks? That's long." She exclaimed.

"That's not long when you're there. Actually, we want to extend our vacation but we don't want to be all by yourself for two weeks. At least we are two present here while you're out of the country." Mommy Sandy said.

"Actually I'm fine in here. All the workers helped a lot. They are all hardworking." She told them.

"We know that. Anyway just to Italy and enjoy there." Mommy Sandy said.

"Thank you Mom, Dad. You both know that I haven't been out of here. But since you both said that I'll be fine there. I'll go. I really need to take a shower now I'm grimy." She told the couple.

"Go ahead, I'll tell Martha to prepare your food," Sandy said.

She went up to her room and get inside the shower directly. She's been out of the field for the whole day. She can't stand her own smell now.

After scrubbing her whole body and washing her hair. She changed into her normal clothes, jeans, and short sleeves blouse. She's only at the manor. If in case there's an emergency outside she won't get worried about the sun to kiss her skin.

After she's done, she went to the kitchen and eat the food that Martha has prepared. After dinner, she saw the Farlow seated at the garden, their favorite place.

"Mom, Dad, I'll go up now. Have a good night." She told the couple.

"Goodnight Ella. Sleep well." Her Mom Sandy replied.

"Goodnight Ella." Daddy Garreth echoed.

She went up to her room. She saw her suitcase leaning at the wall. She didn't notice it when she took her shower. She put it down and opened to see what Martha packed for her.

She smiled when she found out that all that she likes are there. Very excellent. It's complete. She closed the suitcase and put back in its place.

She brushes her teeth and prepared to sleep. She changed her pajamas then suddenly she remembered the plan she wants for the ranch. She put back her clothes and came back to the garden where the Farlows still having their conversation. That's kind of intimacy she wants to when she gets married. But married with who.

She shakes her head, she doesn't want to feel sad at this moment. Not now.

She walks a little faster to the garden.

They heard her opened the glass door. Both of them turned their head to see her.

"Ella, did you forgot something?" Sandy asked.

"Yes Mom, well while you two are away the ranch were always fully booked. Actually now there's many on the waiting list. So I was thinking, what if we add more log cabin on the seaside. I'm sure many will book for it. And we will make to have the beach area fenced to avoid accident since the beach isn't for swimming. Well, I actually don't know if it's safe because no one goes swimming there." She told them.

"The beach is actually fine for swimming, we had swimming there but only became lazy to as we grow older." Daddy Garreth replied.

"Oh, but why not even our workers here went for swimming?" She asked.

"They don't want to take the risk because of the children. But if the beach is safe. I'm sure they will be all day there." Daddy Garreth replied.

"Then we can clean up the beach and put the safety net where it is only allowed to swim. You know Dad, only to the maximum distance a person could swim. I saw that in some countries, they put a safety net to avoid big harmful fishes to come near and also for safety purpose. The lifeguard can easily rescue those in need." She said.

"When the beach is safe to swim we can add additional cottages." She continues.

"That's a very nice idea, Ella. I agree with that. What do you think Sandy?" Garreth asked his wife.

"I couldn't agree more. You're such a businesses minded woman." Mommy Sandy replied.

"We will do it as soon as possible. Now young woman you better go up now and sleep." Mommy Sandy told her.

"Okay, Mom. Goodnight again. Dad. See you both in the morning." She said and stood up.

Walking back to her room. She's happy that the Farlows supported her plan.

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