Part 16

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He was lying on the raft when he heard the group of people coming. He looked at his wristwatch. It's only 6:10 in the morning, why they have to be early? Anyway in only a few days back there were the bunch of students who came earlier than this. He closed his eyes again. He still doesn't want to get up yet. He's good in there.

He asked Ella's permission if he could stay at the raft. She let him use it so he bought a tent from the ranch store. They have a tent for sale for those campers who didn't bring their tent. It's very relaxing for him staying there.

"Wow! Look at that raft. Anyone staying there?" He heard from a man's voice.

"Yes, one of the guests stayed there." That's Ella's voice. She replied to the man. He knew her voice even from afar.

"So lucky." The man said.

Yes, he's lucky to have permitted to stay in the raft.

He didn't hear anyone talking aside from the man and Ella, maybe it's only the man came. But he heard not only one. Well, he will know that later from Ella.

He heard their footsteps fading. They will probably be going to their cabin. His cabin is situated on the right-hand side, this is the only cabin on the right. All the cabins are already at the left. Some are at the hill and beside the stream.

Since he can't go back to sleep again he decided to get up and go back to his cabin. He didn't fold back his tent maybe tonight he will be going to stay there again. Depends if the weather is good like this past few nights. He only brought her things along with him. His flashlight a thermos, cup and water bottle. And of course his pillow and blanket.

He took a shower and changed his outfit into jeans and a white shirt. He's comfortable with that. He prepared to make his cup of tea. He has his coffee yesterday already. He took it alternatively.

After he finished his tea he went outside and have a walk back to the creek again. Campers have gone somewhere else he thought. But their tents are all still there but they're quiet or maybe they're still asleep. He just continues his walk towards to path up to the hill. Behind that hill is the ocean he has stayed there too for quite some time in his walk.

Ella has asked him why he doesn't want to learn to ride a horse than just roaming around the ranch. He's supposed to do that since he's there. That's the ranch primary offer more than is to be at the wildlife sanctuary. He just told her that maybe one day he will try but he never told her the reason why. Aside from his childhood experience, riding a horse in his state might not give his heart better care.

"Hey, Arvell you're early!" He didn't notice her, seems like she popped up in front of him.

"Good morning Ella!" He greeted her.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I went to that hilltop, it's nice up there. I could see the ocean." He replied pointing at the hilltop.

"I agree. Are you at the raft when we passed by, I guess we woke you up." She said.

"Yes, and don't worry good thing too that I woke early because I want to roam around here before going back to work." He said.

"Going back already you haven't even ridden a horse?" She asked him, he could sense that she's teasing him.

"I will still come back here and I'll show you I can ride a horse. Not just for now." He replied.

"Hmm. Okay, I'll go back to the manor now. The guest has settled for now. Soon I will come back to give them a tour. Right now they said that they want to take a rest. They just came back from their tour." She told him.

He noticed the rolled newspaper in her hand.

"Is that new?" He asked.

"Yes, I haven't read it. Wally gave this to me this morning after I came back from the graveyard." She replied.

"You mean you went out earlier?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and what they have told me today, both Wally and Martha made me scared. Wally said it's written I'm there." She said handing him a newspaper.

He took it and unrolled it.

He read what's in the front page.

"This will really make you scared and maybe will stop you from coming to graveyard alone." He said showing her the bold letters in the front page.


He pulled the newspaper and read it to her while walking back down. He changes his mind he will go back to the hilltop later.

"According to the person who has seen the incident he was cleaning in some areas when he heard voices. He lies down to hide so he won't be noticed. He saw the group of men circling the woman who visited the grave of his boyfriend. According to this man, this is her last visit because she will be going to work overseas. He said that he slowly crawled to his things few meters away from where he's cleaning. He could hear how those men stripped her clothes, he even heard her screamed but they are quick to silence her. He said that when he reached his bag he quickly send a message to the police department, he couldn't call because they might hear him. He wishes if only the police responded immediately the woman might survive. But all six men have to take each turn before the police came. The woman died in the same place where she was raped. According to the medical result. She also suffered from the heart attack that killed her." He stopped talking when he heard her sniffing. She's crying.

"Ella?" He nudged her.

She looked at him with those fresh tears flowing in her cheeks. It squeezed his heart seeing her like that. He held her and rubbed her back.

"Ssshhh--- " he just whispered.

He could feel her body shaking.

He knows why she cried. It's not just because of what had happened to the woman in the hands of criminals but because she couldn't visit Ryun's grave alone. She might not be going to visit him again. And that's why she's crying.

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